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Special permits and zoning amendments for 701 West 135th Street



87 sec

The project requires several special permits and zoning amendments to allow for the proposed development and address the unique characteristics of the site.

  • Rezoning from M1-1 (manufacturing) to R7-2 (residential) with C2-4 commercial overlay
  • Special permit to construct over railroad right of way
  • Amendment to include the site in the Special Manhattanville Mixed Use District
  • Special permit to modify bulk regulations due to site narrowness
  • Modifications needed for rear yard requirements and lot coverage
Neil Weisbard
So the requisition actions are a m 11 existing manufacturing district to an R72 residence district.
The project area is located in in a manneric district manufacturing district, which residences aren't permitted.
And so under the proposal, residences will be permitted.
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Since this development will occur adjacent to a railroad right of way, the applicant also seeks a special permit from city planning to construct the proposed development Next slide, please.
The area circled will be added to the Special Manhattanville mixed use district as an other area, and the reason for this is.
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Well, let me just briefly explain that we believe this proposal is consistent with the goals of the special Manhattanville mixed use district to encourage the development of mixed use neighborhood that complements a revitalized community oriented waterfront and allow for residential development.
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There is also an amendment to the Specialman Hahnville mixed use district will permit a special permit to modify bulk regulations, and this is needed due to the narrowness of the site, which a feasible building cannot be built if a thirty foot rear yard is provided, and also a lot coverage, modification of lot coverage.
I have the next slides I have are plans, if anyone wants to see, but we have our applicant team and we're happy to answer any questions. pigeon logo

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