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Number and deployment of DEP air and noise enforcers



72 sec

Council Member Gennaro inquires about the number of DEP air and noise enforcers in the field and their deployment strategy. Commissioner Aggarwala and Deputy Commissioner Lubin provide information on the current staffing situation.

  • DEP has a small group of air and noise inspectors who handle both types of complaints
  • These inspectors respond to 311 calls for various issues, including air quality and noise complaints
  • The department faces some retention issues with these positions
  • Traditionally, DEP has been staffed to be responsive rather than proactive in enforcement
James F. Gennaro
Thank you, council member.
And I just have I I just have one last question.
And so, you know, we have the citizen invoices the citizen enforces, you know, doing a lot of work around town.
We wanna make sure that that program precedes, you know, along lines of excellence.
But in in many people's estimation, there's, you know, nothing better than a DEP professional out there, you know, doing the enforcement, which of course happens.
And I I I just wanted to ask, what is the number of air and noise enforcers that are in the field now.
That's kind of like the first question.
And the second one, you know, in terms of where they're deployed, you know, we have maps and everything about where the EJ hotspots are or whatever, I would imagine that they're, you know, deployed in areas where their efforts will reap the most benefits in terms of clean air.
If you could talk about you know, numbers and where they deployed, that'd be great. pigeon logo

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