Testimony by April McIver, Executive Director of the Plumbing Foundation City of New York, on the Citizens Air Complaint Program
108 sec
April McIver, representing the Plumbing Foundation City of New York, expressed support for efforts to mitigate emissions but raised concerns about the Citizens Air Complaint Program. She supported Intros 747 and 941 for reforming the program, while opposing Intro 291 until reforms are implemented.
- Highlighted due process concerns, including timeline issues and lack of access to evidence for proper defense
- Questioned the rationale behind the 3-minute and 1-minute idling time limits, suggesting alignment with the state's 5-minute idling law
- Emphasized the need to consider OSHA requirements for protecting workers from cold stress and heat-related illnesses
April McIver
Hello, Chairman.
My name is Abel MacGyver.
I'm the executive director of the Plumbing Foundation of City, New York, representing New York City licensed master plumbers as well as engineers, manufacturers, and supply houses.
We do support efforts to mitigate emissions into the environment, but we do have concerns with the citizen air complaint program.
I heard you loud and clear about addressing the actual introductions that are on here.
So I will say that first.
We are here to support intro of 747 as well as 941 as good for steps towards reforming this program as well as opposed 291 until the program is reformed.
I'd like to highlight a couple of concerns that a lot of my colleagues have addressed today, especially the due process concern in terms of the timeline.
We surveyed our contractors.
I've had a lot of calls over the last 2 years regarding the different timelines when they received the complaint from the date of observation, when their hearing is, and the lack of having a link to the evidence to prepare a proper event.
And that's a huge concern for our members.
In addition, I just wanted to highlight, you know, I heard the term arbitrary tossed around earlier.
And I think, you know, looking at the time, the 3 minute, and the 1 minute time, I don't really know the good reason behind that because our state has a 5 minute idling law.
I think that's an area that should be considered by the council as well.
And then lastly, health and safety concerns.
I think DPFC did pretty good job highlighting the concerns regarding harassment in terms of the citizens that are engaged in the program.
But I'd like to highlight that OSHA has requirements on employers to protect workers from something called the cold stress, and they also have requirement employers to prevent heat related illnesses.
I think these need to be considered.
Thank you.
James F. Gennaro
Thank you very much for your for your testimony and best regards to the Plumbing Foundation.