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Local Law 37 and DOD data for transitioning service members



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Commissioner Hendon discusses two key strategies for improving veteran identification: Local Law 37 of 2024 and the use of DOD data for transitioning service members.

  • Local Law 37 mandates that all client-facing city forms include a question about military service for the individual or their household members.
  • DVS now receives DD-214 data from the Department of Defense for veterans transitioning to New York City.
  • The department will soon receive Transition Assistance Program data for future veterans planning to move to New York City, allowing for proactive outreach.
James Hendon
Local law 37 of 2024 passed by the city council late last year and taking effect in 2024.
Local law 37 mandates the city of New York agencies include all client facing city forms, and quoting the local law, the forces must include a question about whether such person or any member of their household has served in the armed forces, national guard, or reserves of the United States.
This is the 1st shift of this question has been mandated by law.
We are excited about what the future holds as we prepare to prepare to prepare to report on the results from this question provided by other agencies and not including ourselves no later than December 15th.
We anticipate that this law will go a long ways towards helping us identify New York City veterans.
DOD data for transitioning service members.
In October 2022, after years of advocacy in partnership with the National Association of State Directors Veterans Affairs, DBS began began receiving DD 214 data from the US Department of Defense for all veterans whose mailing address after separation from October 2022 onward was within New York City.
This autumn through the same program, we will begin receiving transition assistance program data for future veterans who have not yet left military service, but have indicated on their pre separation counseling check sheet checklist in the form in the form this is the form placement tab that they will transition within the next 12 months to the city of New York.
We will be able to connect contact these future veterans before they leave the military.
Through these efforts, as time goes by, we will form and nurture relationships with more New York City veterans starting from day 1 of the veteran existence, they will be identified.
An update.
We got the form we got the information today.
This morning, before coming to this hearing, we received the information from now.
We know prior to someone's getting out that they have said they wanna come to New York because we can reach out to them while they're going through the tap process.
That literally happened at 9:18 AM.
Data sharing with the New York State Department of Veterans Services. pigeon logo

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