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Testimony by Dr. Frank Bourke, Founder of Research and Recognition Project, on RTM Protocol for PTSD Treatment



124 sec

Dr. Frank Bourke, Founder of the Research and Recognition Project, presents information about the Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM) protocol and its effectiveness in treating PTSD. He expresses gratitude for a $35,000 award and requests assistance in identifying clinical directors and leaders in mental health across New York City to participate in training programs.

  • The RTM protocol has been scientifically validated and approved as evidence-based medicine.
  • Research shows the protocol eliminates PTSD symptoms in over 90% of cases across five studies.
  • The organization aims to use the awarded funds to provide scholarships for clinicians in the New York City area to learn the RTM protocol through a 3-day training program.
Dr. Frank Bourke
Thank you for the invitation, commissioner Holden.
And and very much so for the $35,000 award to the research and recognition project to train counselors in the New York City area.
I'd like to use this forum to ask the committee and commissioner Hendon, etcetera.
All of the people associated with the Veterans Committee who know of clinical directors and clinical leaders in mental health across the city.
We would like to use the money that has been awarded to provide to be scholarships for clinicians in the New York City area in order to introduce them first person to the effectiveness of the RTM protocol.
For those of you not up on this conversation, we have a protocol that we've taken through the research and validation process scientifically to approval is evidentiary medicine.
That's called a reconsolidation of traumatic memories.
That allows or enables us to train therapists in a 3 day program with follow-up treatment to administer the protocol successfully.
The protocol in its research is eliminating PTSD at all its symptoms over 90% of the time as far as 5 studies.
It really works.
And what we wanna do is get this known and in better circulation in the New York City area running this initial this initial training for New York City counselors as a pilot and a an introduction to the the protocol to leaders in the clinical services in the New York City area. pigeon logo

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