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VetConnect NYC platform transition and VAB input



52 sec

Commissioner Hendon discusses the VetConnect NYC platform transition and how the Veterans Advisory Board (VAB) has provided valuable input for its improvement. The platform is undergoing changes based on VAB feedback.

  • DVS is transitioning from Unite Us to Combined Arms as the vendor for VetConnect NYC
  • The transition is heavily influenced by input from the Veterans Advisory Board
  • The platform is currently in the data migration period, setting up for future improvements
James Hendon
I think one that we haven't seen the fruit come yet, but it's it's it's it's it's in the oven, so to speak, is VetConnect and YC.
And how we're operating it, there was a lot of feedback that the baby had about how that platform this is the digital services platform to which we connect veterans to service providers.
And right now, we are you know, we've we ended the contract with one vendor we've been working with, and now we're working with another.
So we had unite unite us, was the vendor we we've used several years, and we're transitioning to combined arms.
A lot of what we're doing with combined arms, it is really fueled by input from the Veterans Advisory Board.
We're in the data migration period right now where they're setting things up so that that will be what undergrew into the portal.
But that's a very important thing as far as just feedback from the VAD that I think that we've really taken a heart and that directly reflects in our our execution. pigeon logo

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