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Testimony by Marni Sommer, Professor of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia University, on Menstrual-Friendly Public Toilets
3 min
Marni Sommer, a Professor from Columbia University, testified on the need for menstrual-friendly public toilets in New York City. She highlighted the importance of gender equity in public spaces and presented findings from a global study comparing public toilet accessibility across six major cities.
- Sommer praised the pending legislation (Intros 694 and 267) for improving toilet access but noted they ignore the urgent need for menstrual-friendly facilities.
- She defined "menstrual-friendly" toilets as safe, clean, accessible, offering free or low-cost menstrual products, and providing means for discreet disposal.
- The study found New York City lagging behind other cities, including those in poorer countries, in terms of public toilet supply and quality.
Marni Sommer
Hey, Tiff.
To follow that, that was so good.
Thank you to the counsel for the opportunity to bring an academic program of research, to bear an oppressing social issue.
The pending legislation has begun the effort towards ensuring improved toilet access for all New Yorkers.
And within that, the possibility of menstrual equity within the public space in New York city.
However, we have much further to go.
More importantly, New York has the opportunity to lead the country and much of the world on this issue.
I'll speak to a significant gap that warrants immediate attention requires minimal sources and has the potential to transform New York City to a more gender equitable urban context.
First, the proposed two pieces of legislation, 694267, are admirable for the expansion of public toilet accessibility that they will create both immediately and over the long term and for the acknowledgment of gender aspects of relevance.
However, the legislation ignores the urgent need for menstrual friendly public toilet facilities for New York residents, tourists, and muters.
My team at Columbia University conducted a 6 city global study in Barcelona, Sao Paulo, Manila, New York City, Osaka, and Rio de Janeiro.
In each city, we conducted systematic audits of menstrual friendly public toilets in business, tourist, and residential districts, including parks, and transit depots.
By menstrual friendly, we mean a public toilet that is safe, clean, and accessible, but that also offers free or low cost menstrual products and provides means for discreet disposal.
And we have some design pictures we can leave with you, so in case you wanna incorporate them.
There should be appropriate signage as the new legislation mandates.
So a girl, woman, or anyone else who men streets doesn't have to panic search when it's time to change a pad or tampon.
Our analysis, as you'll hear from my colleague next, has New York City falling well behind many of the other cities, including those in poor countries, with respect to supply and quality of public toilets.
We could lead the country on this issue if we put our minds to it, becoming a city that extends open arms to all who live, work, or visit here.
2nd, we are understandably hesitant to add to the already hefty burden of unmet public toilet need in New York.
We get it, but there's a backstory here.
It's called gender.
As longtime New Yorker, Gloria Steinham asked in the 19 70s if men could demonstrate what would our world look like, or to update her query for today's hearing if men were expected to manage their monthly blood flow while answering the urban call of commerce, education, public survey unpredictable work or simple social assembly, we wouldn't be here today.
Public toilets would not only be more accessible, cleaner, and safe, but they would also have menstrual products alongside the toilet paper mean for discrete disposal of used products and mirrors to check for leaks and stains.
There's a metric that we in public health have come increasingly to rely on as a vital index of full social a patient.
It's from the late 18th century, but its force is clear.
The ability to appear in public without shame.
My global team has promised its work in menstrual friendly toilets on this principle as a bid for gender equity.
It's one I think that the city council might well consider as it pursues this pressing issue.
Thank you.
Lincoln Restler
Thank you very much.
And could you just state your name for the record?
Marni Sommer
Marnie Summer.
Lincoln Restler
Thank you.