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Testimony by Mbacke Thiam, Housing, Health & CAN Community Organizer from Center for Independence of the Disabled New York (CIDNY)
5 min
Mbacke Thiam, representing the Center for Independence of the Disabled New York (CIDNY), testified in support of several pieces of legislation aimed at improving accessibility and services for people with disabilities in New York City. The testimony covered various bills related to bicycle storage, public bathroom availability, emergency information access, and 311 service improvements.
- Expressed support for Intro 162 (bicycle storage in city buildings) with a caveat to ensure sidewalk accessibility for people with disabilities
- Strongly endorsed Intro 267 (public bathroom availability) to address the lack of public restrooms, which particularly affects people with disabilities
- Supported Intro 478 (providing emergency information in multiple languages) to reduce barriers for people with disabilities during emergencies
- Advocated for Intros 587 and 744 to improve 311 services and increase accountability of city agencies
Mbacke Thiam
Pardon me?
By the time I'm the Housing And House Committee organizer, center for in the finance of the disabled or the New York.
We advocate for people with disabilities in the 5 borough of New York City.
It's a pleasure for me today to join a concert a Lincoln wrestler and a country member.
Gail Brewer and everyone on the table in order to implement change regarding city legislation.
And I wanted to show our support here at Sydney for few legislation in 162 for bicycle storage and city building, also public bathroom availability, which is controlled to 60seven.
Sydney supports the introduction of bike roads in the city building as well.
Pro to promote sustainable transportation at regular traffic congestion.
However, it is critical that in implementing the storage solution we ensure there is adequate sidewalk clearance for people with disabilities, who use mobility device such as wheelchair, or worker, sidewalk must remain accessible and navigable for all New Yorkers.
We cannot follow by security pressure to compromise the safety and accessibility of the street.
For people with disabilities and 267 public bathroom availability.
The lack of public restroom across NYC is a pressuring issue, especially for people with disabilities.
It may fully support making more of our upcoming NYC facilities available for public use This matter will obviously increase access to much needed press room, but will also help keep subway elevators clean since many subway elevators are being misused as powerful and the exam unusable for people with disability.
Providing more public restroom.
We will improve public health and cleanliness and accessibility in our transit system.
I just wanna mention that this this money was written along with my colleague, Anna, Humphrey, and Molly in order to to let us hear and make people eat this ability here.
Also, we we support intro for 78, one agency providing emergency information to community based organization in language other than English.
People with this ability to face upon this proportionate barriers during emergency situation because many of things most impacted by emergency, example, access to transportation, healthcare, food, clean, health, etcetera, already often requires additional preparation and accommodation for them to access them, like, well, the equality aqua aqua aqua w.
Language access should not be on additional barriers.
Sydney therefore supports the passage of this bill as it will help ensure that people with this ability have more access to the import the information and resources they need as they navigate the the these situations.
So, you know, support 587, 311, Customer satisfaction survey and agency report cast New York deserve to know what actions are being sorry.
New York deserve to know what actions are being taken when they submit complaints through the 3 11 system.
2 of some people feels that their concern are ignored after making their reports.
This proposed initiative of conducting customer satisfaction survey and publishing agency report cards will hold city agencies accountable and ensure that resonance including those disable those with disabilities receive timely and effectively response to the compliance.
This transparency is essential to restoring close between the public and the city.
Also support 694 with consumer but not us long term city wide platform strategy.
So Sydney strongly support the development of a long term city cellular platform strategy, including maintaining public spectrum, and providing a map to help reason to help residents and visitors look at them.
This would be a significant step forward for accessibility, maintaining it making it easier for people with disabilities to find a resume when they need it.
We also support 190 intro 191, which is a 2 years notice of lease expiration.
So we strongly support that amending the administrative code of the city of New York in relation to requiring the Department of Citywide administrative services to give to provide tenants of the city of of city list properties, 2 years notice of list expiration.
I think we also provide we also support enter 744 which is duplicate 3 11 requests for service and and compliant, addressing duplicate 3 11 requests is important for is important for improving the efficiency of the series services However, it is equally important that each issue is addressed on a on an individual basis to ensure no one feels ignore.
Multiple disease at a single location should be treated with a sample agency and trustness as separate compliance.
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to testify.
It was a pleasure to I will submit a a return testimony for the recall.