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Council Member Salamanca opens committee meeting and introduces items for vote
3 min
Council Member Rafael Salamanca Jr. opens the committee meeting by welcoming attendees and introducing the main agenda item, Intro 958, which aims to expand affordable homeownership opportunities. He then proceeds to outline several items that the committee will vote on, including rezoning proposals and affordable housing projects.
- Multiple rezoning proposals are presented for various districts, including modifications to ensure contextual development.
- The committee will vote on affordable housing projects, including one that will provide 108 affordable units and renovate the Malcolm Shabazz Harlem market.
- A historic district designation and a tax exemption request for affordable housing development are also on the agenda for approval.
Rafael Salamanca, Jr.
All right.
Good morning, and welcome to the Camellia Laniels.
I am Consumemura Fire Salamaka chair this Camiri.
Would like to welcome my esteemed colleagues who have joined us today.
We've been joined by Council member, Amoya Herrera, Ciaralei, majority with Brooke Powers, Abreo, majority leader of Arias, Hanks, and Birelli.
At today's meeting, we will hold a hearing on proposed legislation intro 952, a bill sponsored by counsel speaker Adrian Adams to address the city's efforts.
Around expanding affordable home ownership opportunities.
But before we get started at this hearing, the committee will vote on a number of items voted out of our subcommittees.
As always, I want to thank Cher Riley and Cher Hanks for their work as our zoning and landmarks chairs.
Today, we will vote to approve with modifications.
I will use 138139 for the 31 dash 1712 Street rezoning proposal related to property and council member Kibans District And Queens.
The proposal including a zoning map amendment and related zoning tax amendment to facilitate the development of a new residential building with approximately 35 units of which a 9 would be affordable.
A modification would be to add a deep affordability option to go along with MIH option 1.
We will also vote to approve LU's 145 and 146.
For the 21st Street rezoning proposal, which is located in Council member Keban's District, The proposal includes a zoning mat and zoning tax amendment, which together would facilitate the development of a new mixed use building with approximately 55 apartments, where 24 to 28 of those units anticipated to be affordable units.
We will also vote to oppose the modifications owed to 140 related to 250 86 Street Rezoning Proposal in Council member Brandon's district in Bay Bridge, Brooklyn.
The proposal consists of a zoning map amendment, which will facilitate the legislation of a doctor's office within an existing building.
Our modification will change the proposed R6B designation to an R5D designation and will also modify the boundaries of the proposed new district.
These modifications will ensure the rezone area remains contextual with the existing surrounding building.
Council member Brandon supports his proposal as modified.
As Jay Riley indicated in our zoning sub committee, I'll note that LU's 141 originally included as part of the 86 Street, rezoning proposal with was withdrawn by the applicant in writing on September 17th.
Pursuant to the council rules, 11.60b, the application under LU's 141 is void.
And I now make a motion pursuant to counsel rules 7.90 to file, LU's 141, and remove it from the counsel's calendar.
We will also vote to approve LU's 143, an application submitted by the Department of Housing And Preservation And Development related to the Malcolm Chazan, Holland Plaza Project And Council member salons district domain.
The proposal consists of a request for urban development action area designation and urban developer area project approval.
And the related disposition of city owned property.
The action will facilitate the construction of a new mixed use building, which will provide approximately 108 affordable housing units through HVD's extremely low and low income affordability program, Ellen.
And provide for the renovation of the Malcon Shed Zahn Harlem marking.
We will also vote to approve LGU's 144 for the designation of the Willis Burberry Heart historic district and council member Jose's district and Brooklyn.
And finally, we will vote to approve OUS 147 related to an article with an event tax exemption request for residential development at 281-311 Marcus Gauri Boulevard.
Also within Castle Member O'SAYH District.
The tax exemption will facilitate the development of 2 new affordable housing buildings with a total of approximately 155 units.