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Intensive Mobile Treatment teams for complex behavioral health needs
43 sec
Jamie Neckles explains the Intensive Mobile Treatment (IMT) teams, which are designed to provide comprehensive, mobile mental health and substance use services for individuals with complex behavioral health needs and challenging life circumstances.
- IMT teams are interdisciplinary, including peers
- They serve people with serious behavioral health concerns, complex life situations, transient living situations, and/or involvement with the criminal legal system
- The health department supports 36 IMT teams serving all five boroughs
- These teams are specifically designed to engage the hardest-to-reach New Yorkers
- IMT provides a flexible, intensive approach to meet the needs of individuals who may not be effectively served by traditional mental health services
Jamie Neckles
We also contract with community based organizations to operate intensive mobile treatment teams.
These are interdisciplinary teams, including peers that provide mobile mental health and sub since used services for people with serious behavioral health concerns, very complex life situations, transient living situations, and or involvement with the criminal legal system.
We support 36 teams serving all five boroughs.
These teams are designed to engage the hardest to reach New Yorkers.
The health department works tirelessly to administer short term interventions to deescalate moments of mental health crisis and provide long term treatment and recovery supports in the community for people with complex and high needs.