Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.
New York City Council
Committee on Immigration
Sep 24, 2024
01:00 PM
3 hr 30 min
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A hearing on the implementation of Local Law 30 of 2017, which requires NYC agencies to provide translation, interpretation, and signage in 10 designated citywide languages.
Discussions focused on:
- Ongoing noncompliance issues
- Persistent language barriers faced by immigrant communities
- Recommendations for improving language access services.
Key topics included:
- Creating an Office of Translation and Interpretation
- Enhancing enforcement mechanisms
- Expanding services beyond the 10 designated languages
- Increasing funding and resources, and improving cultural competency
Features testimony from the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA), Mayor's Office of Operations, and the public, including various community organizations serving immigrant populations.
Meeting chapters
Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.
Opening remarks and introduction to the language access hearing
Council Member Alexa Avilés opens the Committee on Immigration hearing on language access and compliance with Local Law 30 of 2017. She introduces the topic, thanks attendees, and mentions the …
59 sec
Overview of New York City's linguistic diversity and importance of language access
Council Member Avilés highlights New York City's status as one of the most linguistically diverse cities in the world and emphasizes the importance of supporting all languages spoken in the …
26 sec
Explanation of Local Law 30 of 2017 and its requirements
Council Member Avilés provides a detailed explanation of Local Law 30 of 2017, which mandates language access services for all designated citywide languages in New York City. - Local Law …
147 sec
Challenges in compliance with Local Law 30 and its impact
Council Member Avilés highlights the challenges in implementing Local Law 30, including noncompliance issues, impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and results from the language access secret shopper program. - Multiple …
110 sec
Introduction of Intro 215 and transition to Council Member Hanif's statement
Council Member Avilés introduces Intro 215, sponsored by Council Member Hanif, which proposes the creation of an Office of Translation and Interpretation within the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs. - …
104 sec
Council Member Hanif's statement on Intro 215
Council Member Avilés reads a statement from Council Member Hanif explaining the purpose and potential impact of Intro 215, which proposes the creation of an Office of Translation and Interpretation. …
175 sec
Introduction and overview of Local Law 30's impact
Kenneth Lo, Senior Adviser on Language Access at MOIA, introduces Local Law 30 as a valuable tool enacted over 7 years ago. He emphasizes its importance in the context of …
92 sec
Linguistic diversity of New York City
Kenneth Lo highlights the remarkable linguistic diversity of New York City, emphasizing its historical roots and current significance. - New York City represents 10% of the world's languages - 22% …
110 sec
MOIA's approach to language access implementation
Kenneth Lo outlines MOIA's approach to implementing language access in New York City, guided by the principle that a multilingual city requires a multilingual government. - MOIA recognizes language as …
60 sec
Monitoring and oversight of Local Law 30 implementation
Kenneth Lo explains the monitoring and oversight structure for Local Law 30 implementation, highlighting MOIA's role in the process. - The city charter identifies an Office of the Language Services …
38 sec
Development of language access implementation plans
Kenneth Lo describes MOIA's process for developing and updating language access implementation plans with city agencies. - Implementation plans and annual reporting serve as crucial touchpoints in a continuous cycle …
62 sec
MOIA's position on Intro 215
Kenneth Lo explains MOIA's stance on Council Member Hanif's Intro 215, which proposes creating a centralized office for translation and interpretation. - MOIA does not support the bill as it …
98 sec
Collaborative approach to strategic capacity building
Kenneth Lo outlines MOIA's collaborative efforts to build strategic capacity for language access across city agencies. - MOIA has worked with the Mayor's Office of Contract Services and DCAS on …
92 sec
Efforts to improve metrics and monitoring of language access
Kenneth Lo describes MOIA's initiatives to enhance metrics and monitoring of language access across city agencies. - MOIA is working with the Mayor's Office of Operations to develop better metrics …
75 sec
Cross-agency collaboration on language access
Kenneth Lo emphasizes the importance of cross-agency collaboration in embedding language access considerations throughout city government operations. - MOIA and the Office of Operations work in tandem, leveraging their relative …
101 sec
Persistent challenges and new developments in language access
Kenneth Lo outlines the ongoing challenges and emerging issues in language access for New York City. - Despite progress, old challenges persist, including the scale and diversity of New York …
30 sec
Development of a maturity model for language access
Kenneth Lo introduces MOIA's development of a maturity model for language access as a tool to advance services across city agencies. - The maturity model is both a conceptual and …
56 sec
Future vision for a multilingual government in NYC
Kenneth Lo outlines MOIA's vision for a truly multilingual government in New York City that goes beyond compliance with Local Law 30. - MOIA is expanding collaborations with partners both …
106 sec
Council Member Avilés acknowledges administration's testimony and introduces questions
Council Member Alexa Avilés opens the session by acknowledging the administration's extensive testimony and thanking them for shortening it to allow time for public testimony. She addresses the technical difficulties …
44 sec
Definition and requirements of compliance with Local Law 30
Council Member Avilés asks Kenneth Lo from MOIA to define what it means to be compliant with Local Law 30. Lo explains the key requirements for compliance, including having a …
118 sec
City agencies' compliance status with Local Law 30
Council Member Avilés inquires whether all city agencies are compliant with Local Law 30. Kenneth Lo from MOIA responds that agencies are generally in compliance, based on their work with …
58 sec
MOIA's approach to assessing compliance with Local Law 30
Council Member Avilés questions MOIA's approach to assessing compliance with Local Law 30, noting the use of terms like 'to a degree' and 'generally compliant'. Kenneth Lo explains MOIA's role …
3 min
Criteria for evaluating language access implementation plans
Young Kwon from MOIA explains the criteria used to evaluate language access implementation plans. The agency recognizes the unique needs and resources of each city agency while striving to ensure …
3 min
Assessing implementation of language access plans
Council Member Avilés inquires about the criteria MOIA uses to assess the implementation of language access plans. Young Kwon explains the various tools and metrics used to evaluate agencies' progress …
110 sec
Assessment of city agencies' compliance with Local Law 30
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about city agencies' compliance with Local Law 30. MOIA representatives explain that while agencies are generally compliant, they are working towards true language access beyond …
70 sec
Identifying trends and challenges in language access across agencies
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about trends and challenges in language access across city agencies. MOIA representatives acknowledge the need for a more mature monitoring system to analyze trends systematically. …
93 sec
Data perspective on language access services and volume indicators
Dan Steinberg from the Mayor's Office of Operations provides insights on data and indicators related to language access services. He highlights the volume of interpretation services and translation requests across …
94 sec
Challenges in assessing progress and setting thresholds for language access
Council Member Alexa Avilés expresses concerns about the difficulty in assessing progress and setting thresholds for language access across city agencies. She emphasizes the need for clearer standards and measurable …
62 sec
Evolution of language access implementation and importance of dedicated staff
Kenneth Lo from MOIA discusses the evolution of language access implementation over time and emphasizes the importance of dedicated staff for effective language access programs. - Initial focus was on …
3 min
Need for stronger requirements and integration of language access into agency operations
Council Member Alexa Avilés emphasizes the need for stronger requirements in language access, while MOIA representatives discuss the integration of language access into agency operations and fiscal planning. - Avilés …
95 sec
Database of translated materials and future plans
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about MOIA's database of translated materials across city agencies. Kenneth Lo explains that while MOIA currently doesn't have such a database, they plan to work …
81 sec
Role and responsibilities of Language Access Coordinators
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about the responsibilities of Language Access Coordinators, particularly in reporting noncompliance or inability to meet language needs. Kenneth Lo explains their role and potential improvements. …
94 sec
MOIA's recommendations for improving language access coordination
Council Member Alexa Avilés asks about MOIA's recommendations for improving language access coordination. Kenneth Lo outlines several areas where Local Law 30 could be improved to enhance language access implementation. …
132 sec
Plans to advance recommendations for improving language access services
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about MOIA's plans to advance recommendations for improving language access services. Kenneth Lo and Lorena Lucero discuss MOIA's internal thoughts and efforts to improve language …
133 sec
Varying progress levels among agencies and maturity model development
Council Member Alexa Avilés and MOIA representatives discuss the varying levels of progress among agencies in implementing language access and MOIA's efforts to address these differences. - Some agencies are …
3 min
Discussion on enforcement of language access law
Council Member Alexa Avilés questions where enforcement of the language access law should exist and what it should look like. MOIA and Mayor's Office of Operations representatives discuss their roles …
158 sec
Challenges in enforcing language access law due to vague language
Dan Steinberg from the Mayor's Office of Operations explains the challenges in enforcing the language access law due to vague language in the legislation. Council Member Alexa Avilés questions the …
75 sec
Debate on the meaning of compliance and enforcement in language access
Council Member Alexa Avilés and Dan Steinberg from the Mayor's Office of Operations engage in a debate about the meaning of compliance and enforcement in the context of the language …
111 sec
Continuous improvement approach and balancing citywide standards with agency flexibility
Dan Steinberg from the Mayor's Office of Operations explains the continuous improvement approach to language access implementation. The discussion also touches on balancing citywide standards with agency-specific flexibility. - The …
118 sec
MOIA's commitment to improving language access and potential role in compliance monitoring
Kenneth Lo from MOIA discusses the office's commitment to improving language access and its potential role in compliance monitoring. Council Member Alexa Avilés acknowledges the progress while emphasizing the need …
111 sec
Persistent gaps in language access services, particularly in emergency situations
Council Member Alexa Avilés highlights persistent gaps in language access services, particularly in emergency situations, despite claims of compliance with Local Law 30. - Avilés recounts a personal experience of …
136 sec
Potential liability for incorrect translations in city services
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about the potential liability the city might face if a translation is incorrect. Kenneth Lo from MOIA acknowledges the validity of the question but defers …
36 sec
Process for handling language access complaints through 311
Council Member Avilés inquires about the process for handling language access complaints submitted through 311. Young Kwon from MOIA explains the complaint system and how it's used to track and …
69 sec
Changes in agency funding for language access services after DCAS contract expiration
Council Member Avilés inquires about changes in agency funding for language access services following the expiration of the DCAS contract. Kenneth Lo from MOIA explains the transition and current state …
139 sec
Assessment of language access service contracts and utilization of funds
Council Member Avilés inquires about the assessment of language access service contracts and the utilization of allocated funds. Kenneth Lo from MOIA explains the guidance provided to agencies and future …
173 sec
Challenges in language access implementation and potential solutions
Council Member Avilés asks about challenges in language access implementation and potential solutions. Kenneth Lo from MOIA discusses the various resources and strategies being employed to address these challenges. - …
4 min
Local Law 6 implementation and collaboration with community-based organizations
Young Kwon from MOIA discusses the implementation of Local Law 6 and the collaboration with community-based organizations (CBOs) to advance language access. - MOIA conducted focus groups with select CBOs …
142 sec
Improving communication strategies for diverse audiences
Kenneth Lo from MOIA discusses strategies for improving communication with diverse audiences and incorporating language access into various aspects of city operations. - MOIA emphasizes understanding the audience better and …
124 sec
Addressing language access needs for Haitian Creole speakers
Council Member Avilés inquires about the administration's efforts to meet the language access needs of Haitian Creole speakers, particularly in healthcare settings. Kenneth Lo from MOIA explains the current initiatives …
135 sec
Initiatives to build linguistic capacity and train interpreters
Council Member Avilés inquires about specific initiatives to build linguistic capacity, particularly for Haitian Creole. Kenneth Lo from MOIA explains the current approaches and potential avenues for expanding the pool …
145 sec
Partnerships with philanthropy to fund language access programs
Lorena Lucero from MOIA discusses recent partnerships with philanthropy to fund language access capacity-building programs. - MOIA has partnered with philanthropy to fund two organizations: ICP (International Child Program) and …
61 sec
Haitian response initiative and investment in Haitian Creole resources
Lorena Lucero from MOIA provides information about the Haitian response initiative and investments made in Haitian Creole resources. - An $8,800,000 investment was made for legal services and development of …
96 sec
Structure and purpose of the Language Access Hub
Kenneth Lo explains the structure and purpose of the Language Access Hub, highlighting its role in expanding internal capacity for language access and services. The Hub aims to improve language …
3 min
Management and infrastructure of the Language Access Hub
Council Member Avilés inquires about the management and infrastructure of the Language Access Hub. Kenneth Lo explains that he is focusing on the Hub and discusses some challenges they faced …
58 sec
Budget allocation for the Language Access Hub
Lorena Lucero provides details on the budget allocation for the Language Access Hub over several fiscal years. The budget has fluctuated, with some changes in how certain expenses are categorized. …
57 sec
Staffing of the Language Access Hub and its primary focus
Council Member Avilés inquires about the staffing of the Language Access Hub, referencing MOIA's annual report mentioning 10 language access specialists and 2 project managers. The discussion reveals that these …
122 sec
Collaboration with other agencies and support for recent arrivals
Lorena Lucero explains how the Language Access Hub collaborates with other agencies, particularly in supporting recent arrivals to the city. The Hub has worked closely with various departments to provide …
96 sec
Quality control and feedback processes for translations
The discussion focuses on quality control and feedback processes for translations, including the Language Access Hub's role in reviewing and improving the quality of translated materials across city agencies. - …
162 sec
Plans for hiring additional language access specialists
Kenneth Lo discusses MOIA's plans for hiring additional language access specialists, aiming to have two specialists for each language. He explains the challenges and learning experiences in growing the team. …
86 sec
Current staffing levels and future hiring plans
Kenneth Lo provides details on the current staffing levels of the Language Access Hub and discusses future hiring plans. The Hub currently has a mix of languages with one or …
70 sec
Challenges in hiring for specific language needs (Urdu)
Lorena Lucero discusses the ongoing challenge of hiring an Urdu language specialist for the Language Access Hub. This highlights the difficulty in finding qualified candidates for certain languages. - MOIA …
67 sec
Coverage of Haitian Creole in the Language Access Hub
Council Member Avilés inquires about the coverage of Haitian Creole in the Language Access Hub, and Lorena Lucero confirms its inclusion. - The Language Access Hub does include Haitian Creole …
16 sec
MOIA's language access team interaction with agency coordinators
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about the interaction between MOIA's language access team and the designated language access coordinators across city agencies. Kenneth Lo from MOIA clarifies that their specialists …
33 sec
Funding allocation for MOIA's translation and interpretation services
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about the funding MOIA has received or allocated for translation and interpretation services for fiscal years 22, 23, 24, and 25. Lorena Lucero from MOIA …
44 sec
MOIA's meetings with language access coordinators
Young Kwon from MOIA explains the frequency and content of meetings with language access coordinators. These meetings are part of an ongoing process to improve language access implementation across city …
113 sec
Selection process for language access coordinators
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about how language access coordinators are selected within city agencies. Young Kwon from MOIA explains the current process and limitations. - Local Law 30 requires …
51 sec
Challenges and recommendations for language access coordinator roles
Kenneth Lo from MOIA discusses the challenges and recommendations for the language access coordinator role within city agencies. He highlights the complexity of the position and the variations in its …
128 sec
Remuneration for language access coordinators
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about remuneration for language access coordinators, particularly for those sharing multiple roles. Kenneth Lo from MOIA explains the current situation and historical context. - There …
81 sec
Implementation and oversight of language access plans
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about the implementation process for language access plans and MOIA's role in overseeing and supporting this process. Young Kwon from MOIA explains their proactive approach …
71 sec
Overview of community-based organizations providing language services
Council Member Avilés inquires about community-based organizations (CBOs) identified to provide language access services. Young Kwon from MOIA explains that they have identified several CBOs with potential to deliver language …
66 sec
Details of specific CBOs and their language capacities
Young Kwon provides information on five CBOs identified with potential capacity to provide language services, including their names and the languages they offer. - APNA Brooklyn Community Center: Spanish, Tamil, …
93 sec
Upcoming report on CBO collaboration and future plans
Young Kwon discusses the upcoming second report on CBO collaboration and outlines future plans for working with these organizations to improve language access services. - The second report will detail …
99 sec
Assessment of CBO capacity and language service standards
Council Member Avilés inquires about how MOIA assesses the capacity of CBOs, especially those offering numerous languages. Young Kwon explains the assessment process based on language service industry standards. - …
88 sec
Evaluation of CBO linguist qualifications and training
Council Member Avilés inquires about how MOIA evaluates CBO capacity for training linguists, especially for organizations offering numerous languages. Young Kwon explains the assessment process for linguist qualifications and training. …
105 sec
Agency practices for in-house vs. contracted translation services
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about the frequency of agencies translating in-house versus contracting out translation services. Kenneth Lo from MOIA explains that agencies largely contract out translation services, with …
45 sec
Discrepancy between language access contract values and actual spending
Council Member Alexa Avilés expresses concern about the underspending on language access contracts, particularly in healthcare settings, despite known service gaps. Kenneth Lo from MOIA explains the complexities of contract …
164 sec
Development of dashboard for tracking language access across agencies
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about the development of a dashboard or database for tracking language access across agencies. MOIA representatives discuss their plans to collaborate with the Mayor's Office …
167 sec
Work plan and milestones for improving language access data transparency
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about specific work plans and milestones for improving language access data transparency. Dan Steinberg from the Mayor's Office of Operations responds by discussing their commitment …
134 sec
Roles of Mayor's Office of Operations and MOIA in language access coordination
Council Member Alexa Avilés asks about the respective roles of the Mayor's Office of Operations and MOIA in language access coordination. Dan Steinberg from the Mayor's Office of Operations explains …
3 min
Functions of the Office of Language Service Coordinators
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about the current functions of the Office of Language Service Coordinators. Dan Steinberg confirms that the office's responsibilities are consistent with historical functions but notes …
121 sec
Overview of the Language Access Secret Shopper program
Francisco Navarro explains the Language Access Secret Shopper program, which identifies gaps in language access services provided by city agencies. The program involves interns who test language access services across …
74 sec
Potential improvements for language access services structure
Francisco Navarro and Dan Steinberg discuss potential improvements to the Language Access Secret Shopper program and its structure. They consider ways to strengthen the program and make it more effective. …
81 sec
Hiring practices for the Secret Shopper program
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about the hiring practices for the Language Access Secret Shopper program, specifically asking if undocumented young people can be hired to participate. - The officials …
27 sec
Staffing and functions of the Office of Language Services
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about the staffing and current functions of the Office of Language Services. Dan Steinberg and Francisco Navarro provide information on the office's structure and responsibilities. …
60 sec
Assessment of top 10 languages for language access services
Kenneth Lo from MOIA explains the process of assessing the top 10 languages for language access services in New York City. The assessment is done annually using data from various …
130 sec
Timeframe for reassessing and designating languages for access services
Council Member Alexa Avilés presses for information on the timeframe for reassessing and designating languages for access services. Kenneth Lo and Lorena Lucero explain the current situation and challenges. - …
3 min
Agency-level language access expansions beyond the top 10 languages
Lorena Lucero from MOIA explains that individual city agencies have been expanding language access beyond the top 10 languages designated by Local Law 30. Council Member Avilés responds, emphasizing the …
3 min
Practical challenges with proposed legislation for a new Office of Translation and Interpretation
Kenneth Lo explains the practical challenges associated with the proposed legislation (Intro 215) to create a new Office of Translation and Interpretation within MOIA. He outlines several obstacles and limitations …
146 sec
Technological and infrastructural needs for effective language access services
Kenneth Lo elaborates on the technological and infrastructural needs for effective language access services in response to Council Member Avilés' request for more details. He emphasizes the importance of advanced …
3 min
Testimony by Lloyd Feng, Data Policy Coordinator from Coalition for Asian American Children And Families (CACF)
Lloyd Feng from CACF testifies on the implementation of Local Law 30, emphasizing the need for better language access services and the importance of collecting ethnicity data alongside language data …
150 sec
Testimony by Kelly Cho, Community Outreach Associate at Korean American Family Service Center (KAFSC)
Kelly Cho from the Korean American Family Service Center (KAFSC) testified on behalf of KAFSC and a coalition of gender-based violence organizations serving immigrant communities. She emphasized the language barriers …
164 sec
Testimony by Adama Bah, Executive Director and Founder of Afrikana, on Language Access for Black Immigrants
Adama Bah, Executive Director of Afrikana, testifies about the urgent needs of Black immigrants in New York City, emphasizing the lack of culturally competent services and effective language access. She …
3 min
Testimony by Riva Shang, Senior Coordinator of Small Business Programs at Asian American Federation (AAF)
Riva Shang from the Asian American Federation testified about language access challenges faced by Asian small business owners in New York City, highlighting the importance of Local Law 30 implementation …
3 min
Council member's observations on language line usage
Council Member Avilés shares her recent experience observing a city agency using language line for small business outreach. - First positive feedback heard about language line - Noted the motivation …
42 sec
Discussion on enforcement and prioritization of language access
Council Member Avilés raises concerns about enforcement of language access standards and asks for input on prioritization. - Discusses the need for higher standards beyond minimum compliance - Asks panelists …
139 sec
Exploring cultural competence and community-based solutions
Council Member Avilés discusses the importance of cultural competence and asks for recommendations from Adama Bah of Afrikana. - Highlights the need for multilingual city apparatus - Asks about concrete …
125 sec
Council member's concluding remarks and acknowledgment of recommendations
Council Member Avilés concludes by acknowledging the recommendations provided by the panel and expressing gratitude for their testimony. - Highlights the importance of consistency between contractors - Expresses concern about …
134 sec
Testimony by Jorge, Community Organizer from Mixteca
Jorge, a community organizer from Mixteca, testified about the challenges faced by Spanish-speaking and indigenous language communities in accessing language services under Local Law 30. He highlighted the gaps in …
3 min
Testimony by Official Translator from Mixteca on Language Access and Local Law 30
An official translator from Mixteca, who speaks Haitian Creole, French, and Spanish, shares their experience with language access in New York City and the impact of Local Law 30. They …
4 min
Testimony by Ana Juarez on Language Access Services
Ana Juarez, an immigrant from Mexico, testified about the importance of language access services, particularly in healthcare settings. She shared her personal experience of using translation services while her son …
134 sec
Discussion on using 311 for language accessibility complaints
Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about the use of 311 for reporting language accessibility issues. Jorge from Mixteca explains that while they guide community members to use 311, it's not …
88 sec
Encouragement to use 311 for language accessibility data collection
Council Member Alexa Avilés emphasizes the importance of using 311 to report language accessibility issues, noting that this data is crucial for the city to assess its performance in providing …
31 sec
Testimony by Abigail Dorcin, Organizing Manager at La Colmena
Abigail Dorcin, Organizing Manager at La Colmena, testified about the importance of language access and translation services for immigrant communities on Staten Island. She highlighted La Colmena's work in supporting …
123 sec
Testimony by Miral Abbas, Health Partnership Coordinator at Coalition for Asian American Children and Families (CACF)
Miral Abbas from CACF testified about the challenges faced by Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities in New York City, particularly regarding language access and the implementation of Local …
3 min