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Definition and requirements of compliance with Local Law 30



118 sec

Council Member Avilés asks Kenneth Lo from MOIA to define what it means to be compliant with Local Law 30. Lo explains the key requirements for compliance, including having a language access coordinator, developing and publishing a language access implementation plan, and fulfilling three language service obligations.

  • Agencies must have a language access coordinator and develop a language access implementation plan
  • The plan must be published on the agency's website and updated every 3 years
  • Three main language service obligations: translating common documents, providing interpretation in at least 100 languages, and notifying the public of free interpretation services
Alexa Avilés
So to start, what does it mean to be compliant with local law 30?
Kenneth Lo
Thank you for the question.
So in our in Voya's efforts to lead language access, we'd look to the direct letter of the law.
In terms of compliance.
Of course, we are just trying to expand language access even more broadly.
But the laws it lays out, there's specific things.
So every agency must have a language access coordinator it must develop a language access implementation plan, and the components of that plan are laid out in the law.
The agency must publish that plan on its website and update it at least every 3 years.
The agencies have 3 language service obligations as guided by local law 30.
1 is to translate most commonly distributed documents into the 10 designated languages.
2 is to provide interpretation in at least a 100 languages, which in practice knows that they must have telephonic interpretation available.
Of course, being able to provide in other circumstances within person interpretation.
And third, they must provide notification of free interpretation services and the availability of such their locations.
I will note that, again, local authority codified the requirements under executive order 120 for back in 2008.
So it does set a baseline, and we work with agencies to try to push beyond that. pigeon logo

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