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Upcoming report on CBO collaboration and future plans



99 sec

Young Kwon discusses the upcoming second report on CBO collaboration and outlines future plans for working with these organizations to improve language access services.

  • The second report will detail findings from two focus groups and strategies for CBO collaboration
  • Plans to launch a Request for Information (RFI) with the Commission of Civic Engagement and Commission of Racial Equity
  • Exploring the establishment of a language access training fund to invest in CBO capacity
  • Aim to leverage CBOs' strengths and invest in their ability to provide language services
Alexa Avilés
And so the the next report is gonna be coming out.
Can you give us a preview of what the next step are how how we're activating all this exciting capacity?
Young Kwon
On the second report, we do we conducted the 2 focus groups and really hone in on how we can collaborate with the CEOs moving forward.
It really we kind of narrowed down a little bit on our strategy and our collaboration.
One of the most exciting area that we wanted to highlight is we are exploring launching a review the request for information with the a commission of Civic Engagement and the commission of racial equity.
We are hoping to utilize to invest in the CBO's capacity in this front and also leverage some of their strength in this area.
So we welcome when once the RFI launches, we welcome anybody any CBOs to respond to those.
We are also exploring ways to establish language access training fund.
We have heard from in the focus group that CBOs are providing trainings.
They are interested bilingual, and multilingual community members in this field.
However, there's no investment in the training for the CBOs to do this work.
So we are looking in two ways we can help invest in this area. pigeon logo

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