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NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection opposes workplace fatality database bill



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Carlos Ortiz, Commissioner for External Affairs at the NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP), testifies on Intro 865, which would require DCWP to create an online public database of workplace fatalities in New York City.

Ortiz outlines DCWP's work in consumer and worker protection, and explains the department's opposition to the bill as drafted.

  • DCWP has secured $785 million for New Yorkers through various programs since the start of the Adams Administration
  • The department opposes Intro 865 due to existing federal, state, and local reporting systems for workplace fatalities
  • Ortiz cites concerns about expanding beyond DCWP's core mission and notes that public health surveillance is not within their scope of work
Carlos Ortiz
Good morning, Chairman, and my name is Carlos Ortiz, and my name is Commissioner for External Affairs at the Department of Consumer of protection.
I'm joined today by our director of legislative affairs, Haley Radhiker.
Thank you for the opportunity to testify today on instruction 865 relating to the reporting of worker fatalities in New York City.
DCBP provides fundamental to consumer and worker protections and financial empowerment programming to New Yorkers.
We strive to ensure that consumers who have been see deceived or exploited have recourse, that workers have a passion to defend their rights, and that all New Yorkers have the support they need to improve their Financial Health.
Since the start of the Adams Administration, DCWP has helped deliver $785,000,000 into the pockets of New Yorkers through debt relief, restitution, the minimum pay rate, and financial empowerment programming.
DCWP is said Fasten's commitment to ensure to ensure fare workplaces for all New Yorkers through our dedicated enforcement efforts and proactive outreach.
Since 2021, DCP has secured more than $43,000,000 in restitution to nearly 36,000 workers across the city.
And have conducted nearly 1000 events to educate New Yorkers, specifically on their rights in the workplace, and what actions to take if those rights are violated.
Orca's rights will always be an essential priority for the department.
Moving to today's bill, instruction 865 would require the CDP to establish and maintain an online public database that compiles information related to workplace fatalities that occur in New York City.
It would require the office of chief medical examiner to facilitate maintenance of this database by delivering reports of any work related fatal injury to DCWP.
Ensuring that workers are safe and that employers follow the essential health and safety standards for workplaces is a vital issue for New Yorkers.
Workers must have safe working conditions and the injury of one worker or loss of life on the job site is one too many.
Under federal law, employers are obligated to report work related employee fatalities to the Occupational Safety And Health Administration, which investigates all work related fatalities and covered workplaces.
OSHA maintains a database that publishes worker specific and worksite specific data that covers New York State And New York City in its reporting.
Under New York State Law, the State Department of Labor, has also created a registry inclusive of New York City for work related fatalities in the construction industry, and is charged with maintaining a public database of aggregate data.
And finally, Our colleagues at the health at the health department bureau of Vital Statistics, who are responsible for the registration, analysis, and reporting of all vital events in New York City, including deaths, have published data on workplace fatalities as part of its annual summary of Vital Statistics.
Given these existing public health reporting mandates, Though ongoing work of other agencies and the public health surveillance and that public health surveillance is not in the scope of work of DCVP, we oppose this legislation as drafted.
I would also like to note that the law department is also continuing to review this legislation.
Of course, we welcome continued collaboration in partnership with all stakeholders, workers advocates, and the council to strengthen workplace protections in New York City.
Thank you again for the opportunity to supply today.
I look forward to our discussion and answering any questions you may have. pigeon logo

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