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CHS's support for Intro 1036: Reporting on mental health evaluations



99 sec

Dr. Subedi expresses support, with modifications, for Intro 1036, which would require reporting on individuals ordered to undergo mental health evaluations (730 examinations). He outlines CHS's current practices and their willingness to make this information public.

  • Explains CHS's role in conducting court-ordered psychiatric evaluations
  • Describes the purpose and process of 730 examinations to assess competence to stand trial
  • Indicates CHS's support for public reporting of this information, with minor amendments to proposed metrics
Bipin Subedi
And lastly, I'll talk about intro 1036.
This is in relation to requiring the department of correction to provide reports regarding people in custody who've ordered to undergo a mental health evaluation.
CHS supports with modifications in show 1036, which would require quarterly reports to individuals in DOC custody who are ordered to undergo fitness to proceed evaluations, also known as 73 examinations, as well as information about these examinations include the timeliness of these reports.
In order to create 1 unified system and to improve the quality and timeliness evaluations, CHS consolidated assumed management of the 4 forensic psychiatric evaluation court clinics located in Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens.
Under criminal procedure law 7:30, these clinics conduct court ordered psychiatric valuations of adult criminal defendants in order to assess competence to stand trial and support pre sentencing investigations.
CHS's forensic examiners via the written reports offer forensic psychiatric opinions regarding whether defendant is an incapacitated person, meaning a defendant who.
As a result of mental disease or defect, lacks capacity to understand the proceedings against him, or to assist in his own defense.
However, only a judge can legally determine if the individual is ultimately competent that is not fit to stand trial.
CHS currently collects and analyzes much of the information required by intro 1036 and while we would propose minor amendments to some of the metrics outlined in the bill, we support making the information public through regular reporting.
We thank the council for the opportunity to speak today about the important issues addressed in legislation and are available to answer any questions you may have. pigeon logo

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