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Council Member Tiffany Cabán discusses Intros 151 and 152 on humanizing language and TGNCNBI task force



113 sec

Council Member Tiffany Cabán presents remarks on two pieces of legislation: Intro 151, which aims to promote more humane language in the criminal justice system, and Intro 152, which extends a task force to address issues faced by transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex (TGNCNBI) individuals in Department of Correction (DOC) custody.

  • Cabán emphasizes the impact of dehumanizing language on people's perceptions and treatment of others, citing studies on sexist attitudes and aggression towards Arab individuals.
  • She highlights the current challenges faced by TGNCNBI individuals in custody, including increased risk of violence and inadequate access to necessities.
  • Cabán stresses the importance of passing Intro 152 to continue monitoring and addressing the needs of TGNCNBI people in custody.
Tiffany Cabán
Thank you chair.
Also thank you to the advocates and directly impacted folks who inform, guide, and champion the the legislation that we're gonna be hearing about today.
Intro 151 would harness the power of language to serve justice.
Words like felon, convict, and criminal reduce individuals to a single experience ignoring the totality of their complex identities and making their reentry into society more difficult.
By promoting a more humane language, we can create space for new possibilities and help make changes in the cultural system that will meaningfully impact people's lives.
Numerous studies have been published showing how dehumanizing language alters the way we view and treat people.
A 2017 study found a rise in hostile sexist attitudes after exposing people to language that compared women to animals.
A 2015 study found that dehumanizing language towards people of Arab identity strongly predicts support for aggressive actions like torture and retaliatory violence.
It is time for us to address the issue of dehumanizing language and restore people's humanity.
And intro 152 is the next step towards implementing more just practices for transgender gender nonconforming, non binary, and intersex people in DOC custody.
It would amend and extend the task force with government and community representatives to identify an address issues faced by transgender, gender non conforming, non binary, and intersex people in custody, and make recommendations to the city.
Currently, many TGN CMBI individuals are placed in housing units based on their sex offender exposing them to much greater levels of physical and sexual violence.
The these individuals often face physical threats and frequent verbal harassment, as well as inadequate access to basic necessities.
Creating a hostile environment and dangerous environment.
Intro152 of 2024 must be passed to continue monitoring and addressing the needs of TGNC and BI folks in custody.
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