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Explanation of proposed bills: Person-first language, TGNCNBI task force, and opioid antagonists



69 sec

Council Member Nurse details the first set of proposed bills, focusing on language reform, extending the TGNCNBI task force, and requiring correction officers to carry opioid antagonists.

  • Intro 151: Replaces terms like 'inmate' with person-first language in city documents
  • Intro 152: Extends and updates the TGNCNBI task force addressing policies for transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex individuals in DOC custody
  • Intro 206: Requires correction officers to carry and administer opioid antagonists and receive related training
Sandy Nurse
The bills we will considered today.
Let me get my brain functioning.
Includes intro 151, sponsored by council member, Kavan, to replace outdated terms, inmate prisoner, and incarcerated individual, with person first language such as persons incarcerated and persons in custody throughout the city charter, the admin, illustrative code, the plumbing code, and the building code.
Intro152 also co sponsored by my god.
Let me stop.
Intro 152, also sponsored by council member Kibbon, to extend the minimum duration of and update other requirements of the GGNCBI task force.
The task force previously established by local law in 2019 to address policies related to the treatment and housing of transgender, gender nonconforming, non binary, and intersex individuals in DOC custody.
Intro 206, sponsored by council member Hanif, to require correction officers to carry and administer opioid antagonist while on duty and to receive related training. pigeon logo

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