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Housing and treatment of TGNCNBI individuals in DOC custody
3 min
Deputy Commissioner Torres outlines the Department of Correction's approach to housing and treating transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex (TGNCNBI) individuals in custody. She emphasizes the department's commitment to dignity, respect, and safety for this population.
- DOC is described as a national leader in TGNCNBI policies
- Gender identity is self-reported, and no medical history is required to affirm it
- Most TGNCNBI individuals are housed consistent with their gender identity
- A special considerations unit is available, but many prefer general population
- Torres stresses that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to housing determinations
Francis Torres
Now I will turn to proposed legislation concerning the treatment and housing of transgender, gender nonconforming, non binary, and intersex.
Individuals in the department's care.
DOC is committed to ensuring that TGNBI individuals are treated with dignity and respect and how safely and appropriately while in city jails.
We are a national leader in this area and are proud that jurisdictions across the country look to us as a model for safe and progressive policies.
Related to the housing and treatment of TGNBI individuals.
Gender identity is self reported by individuals in custody.
Typically doing intake, and the department does not require or receive any information related to the person's medical history to affirm an individual serve self report.
The department houses between 30 to 50 TG And BI individuals at any given time.
A majority of whom identify as transgender women individuals are housed in a facility consistent with their gender identity, absent overriding security or management concerns.
Living in gender affirming housing with others who have shared experiences provide support, community, and affirmation, and makes incarceration less traumatic.
Moreover, as history shows.
TGNBI individuals face a greater risk of assault, discrimination and humiliation if placed in a housing unit that is misaligned with their gender.
Simply stated, we recognize that sex assigned at birth cannot determine placement.
In addition, the department operates a special considerations unit to provide TGNBI individuals the opportunity to live with others with shared experiences.
However, it is important to recognize that many TGNBI individuals prefer to reside in the general population in the Rosenzinger Center, and others prefer to be housed in a men's facility.
Their preference should be given great weight.
TGNBI individuals are not in monolith.
Each individual has unique needs and challenges, and they differ in where they feel safest.
Self identified gender is a very important factor to consider in any housing placement, but it cannot be conclusive as inflexible policy of placement based on self identified gender would present safety concerns for transgender men who could be subject to sexual harassment, abuse, and violence if placed with cisgender men who typically prefer to be placed in a women's facility.
In short, there is no one size fits all approach to housing determinations.
And our placement policy must reflect that reality.