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Testimony by Rachel Golden, Psychologist and Founder of Golden Psychology, on TGNCNBI Care in Correctional Facilities
3 min
Rachel Golden, a psychologist specializing in gender-affirming care, testified about the importance of appropriate housing and care for transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary, and intersex (TGNCNBI) individuals in custody. She emphasized the need for quick placement in gender-affirming housing and access to gender-affirming items, highlighting the positive impact on mental health and safety.
- Golden criticized the Department of Correction (DOC) for delays in placement and unfounded concerns about individuals pretending to be transgender.
- She stressed that there is no evidence supporting the idea that people fake being transgender for benefits, while there is ample evidence of the risks faced by TGNCNBI individuals in custody.
- Golden also expressed frustration with the ineffectiveness of the TGNCNBI task force, citing opposition and lack of cooperation from DOC.
Rachel Golden
Good afternoon.
My name is Rachel Golden.
I'm a psychologist with a decade of training and experience in gender affirming care, and I'm the founder and director of Golden Psychology.
I have extensive training and experience, delivering care to TGNC NBI individuals in custody, and I'm a member of the task force since 2022.
TGNC NBI individuals in custody deserve to be quickly placed in housing that aligns with their gender identity, I can share from the experiences of the people I work with, affirming housing, allows them a safer place from which to embody their identity, reduces risk of assault, and immediately has a positive impact on their mental health.
Departmental delays in placement and associated fear mongering related to placing trans people and desired housing is nothing short of transphobic and result in the continued disproportionate targeting of these individuals for harassment and violence.
The targeting is especially dangerous for those who are multiply marginalized, especially those early in their gender acts and transition.
The department knows that failing to quickly place individuals in aligned housing increases the risks and instances of sexual violence, mental health decompensation, and places an added burden on the jail system to manage complaints and treat medical and mental health issues.
That result from not being in affirming setting is in the best interest of transgender people and DOC to speedily place individuals in housing that aligns with their gender and safety needs.
Trans and non binary individuals who do not wish to med affirm their transition or who are early in their transition may not fit a binary notion of what, quote, being trans looks or sounds like.
However, this is not proof of present danger to others, deceit, or potential to cause harm.
In fact, lack of access to safe housing and items to affirm transition can place people at greater risk of harassment and abuse.
To continue the wrongful idea that there is ample incentive to pretend to be trans in order to gain access to transgender housing, units and services or for other anti social gain is a fallacy that is not borne out by the evidence and that is nationwide, it is not borne out.
Given the well documented reality of harassment, trauma, and abuse due to identifying a transgender, there's little to no incentives to pretend to be transgender.
In addition, there is absolutely no evidence that people pretending to be transgender as a common occurrence, whereas there is ample evidence of the risk of violence.
Further, the baseless argument by DOC that this bill suggests that trans men would automatically be placed in a men's facility further underscores the department's lack of knowledge, agility, and consideration of issues facing transgender and non binary and intersected people.
Trans men would be allowed to ask for gender affirming placement and a men's facility if they desired.
But their automatic placement there is not aligned with the bills intent.
The use of gender affirming items and medical devices to affirm gender is a well documented effective treatment for gender dysportia.
It is endorsed by the World Health Organization and the American Medical Association among others.
The American Medical Association states that gender affirming care is medically necessary, evidence based care that improves the physical and mental health.
Rajesh Mehra
Thank you for your time.
Rachel Golden
Virus people.
Gender affirming care includes access to these items.
And finally, I've been a member of the task force since 2022.
I volunteered hoping to make a positive change and have a positive effect.
The reality of the task force is starkly different.
We've been met with opposition from DOC at almost every turn.
We have been stalled and shut out from receiving answers about the care and well-being of our most vulnerable New Yorkers.
And we have been rebuffed when we've been making simple requests of DOC about reporting and DOC as well.
And when we asked to collaborate with medical staff from CHS, I strongly urge city council to empower the task force to become an effective place of growth and positive change for the lives of detained trans and non binary New Yorkers.
This is also my life's work.
I was
Nadia Chait
gonna grab a question mark.
Valerie Greisokh
Sorry if
Rachel Golden
I went over
Sandy Nurse