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Queens bus redesign and potential commuter van integration



112 sec

Council Member Brooks-Powers inquires about the Queens bus redesign and the potential for commuter vans to fill gaps in service. Former Council Member Miller expresses concerns about creating a multi-fare system.

  • Brooks-Powers highlights concerns about diminishing bus services and remaining gaps in coverage.
  • Miller warns against recreating a two-fare zone system that was eliminated 30 years ago.
  • He suggests bringing in the MTA for a hearing on the redesign and emphasizes the need to update outdated routes.
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
And then I know, like, for example, in in Queens, we have the queen's buster redesign going on Mhmm.
Which I still find.
I'm hopeful that we'll still see some more changes.
I'm concerned about 1 diminishing of our bus services through it, but also 2, there are still pockets of the community that still would not have a direct access readily where they could walk maybe a block and a half to a bus stop And so do you feel that in instances where the when you look at the map and the bus redesign is still not capturing certain neighborhoods, that there is a way in which the commute events could be that connection to the buses because at that point, I know that
I. Daneek Miller
So we're talking about creating what we've got rid of 30 years ago, which is too fair zone, or putting a van to a bus to a train.
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
Well, some of the re by three
Josh Gold
sides Yeah.
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
Creates a 2, 3 fares on there.
I. Daneek Miller
I would suggest that you get the MTA in here and have a hearing on on on the redesign on and what they look like.
Often the routes that that run throughout the city of New York and particularly in the outer borough, that that that they were old trolley routes, and they haven't been changed in 75 years.
They were industrial communities that are now residential and vice versa.
And so you know, this is really an opportunity to be better and that that have an impact on communities, on industries in a way.
I I think it's really important to do that, but I wouldn't, you know, just throw out the baby with the barefoot of their dad Mhmm.
That one thing shouldn't exist or the other.
I I think that it's really important to finally have their ear and the resources and revenue behind it.
But but But again, losing revenue at a time where MTA is hiring people to circumvent fair dodging and the rest of that stuff But but to give it away is really advocating the fight their their fiduciary responsibility of of of all not just agencies, but it but bodies of government including the council to make sure that we have the operating expenses and revenue that are going to allow them to serve folks efficiently. pigeon logo

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