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Testimony by Luis Alzate, President and Business Agent of Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 1056



123 sec

Luis Alzate, representing ATU Local 1056 and other ATU locals, testified against proposed legislation (Intro 939 and Intro 950) that would allow commuter vans to replace public bus transit. He expressed concerns about the impact on MTA bus service, particularly in Southeast Queens.

  • Alzate represented multiple ATU locals (1056, 726, 1179, and 1181) whose members work for various MTA bus divisions
  • He argued that the proposed bills would lead to de facto privatization of public bus service
  • The testimony highlighted concerns about illegal and unsafe operation of commuter vans along bus routes, potentially impacting MTA revenue
Luis Alzate
Good morning.
Margaret Transit Union, thanks majority with Sabrina Brooks Powers and the council committee on transportation, and the infrastructure for the opportunity to share ATU's concerns and the impact of internal number 9309950 on MTA plus service, particularly for the residents of Southeast Southeast Queens.
My name is Luis Alsani, ATU Local 1056, President And Business Agent, and ATU New York State Executive Conference Board, Financial Secretary.
I also delivered a testimony on behalf of the ATU Local 726, 1179, and 1181.
All of our members who serve the right of public and the right of community.
8210-226 members bus operators and mechanics work for the MTA in New York City Transit Queens Bus Division with depots and Flushing, Casey Stengel, Jamaica, and Queens Village.
ATU local 726 represents bus operators and mechanics who work for MTA New York City Transit, Staten Island bus division.
ATU 1179 represents bus operator mechanics and supervisors who work for far rockaway to JFK depots of the MTA bus division for only green bus lines.
Hu Local 1181 represents bus operators and mechanics who work for the MTA bus division for only command bus service in Brooklyn, Spring Creek.
And power transit operators in yellow school bus drivers, and escort state wide, the ATU represents more than 25,000 hardworking transit workers throughout ATU cities, including Albany, Bingenton, Buffalo, New York City, Rochester, and Syracuse.
If enacted, these powerful bills would effectively allow to mute events to replace bus public transit, especially in service and claims, already vans licensed and unlicensed illegally and unsafely operate along bus routes in the prior the MTA of revenue that can be reinvested in bus service.
This de facto privatization of public bus service in Saudi Queen, especially impact students, our seniors working people, and bus riders who benefit from the fear be a fierce program, public transport.
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