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Testimony by Zubin Soleimany, Staff Attorney from New York Taxi Works Alliance (TWA) on Intro 276 and Driver Deactivation



125 sec

Zubin Soleimany, a staff attorney with the New York Taxi Works Alliance, testifies in support of Intro 276, addressing the unique challenges faced by for-hire drivers when deactivated from ride-hailing platforms. He emphasizes the severe impact of deactivation on drivers' livelihoods due to the market dominance of major companies.

  • Highlights the financial burden on drivers who have invested in licenses and vehicles
  • Points out that deactivation from one company can lead to deactivation from others, effectively barring drivers from 80-85% of the market
  • Clarifies that the proposed law doesn't preempt other processes, similar to the fast food deactivation bill
Zubin Soleimany
Good afternoon.
My name is Zubin Soleimani.
I'm a staff attorney with the New York Taxi Works Alliance.
Also testifying in support of intro 276, which our members and my colleagues have already testified so eloquently on I I just wanna follow-up on a a couple of points.
I think the question was asked, earlier, how is deactivation distinct for 4 hire drivers?
Why is this bill so necessary for them?
And the point was raised once about the expenses and the debts that drivers incur.
And I think And that that is huge, and it's also connected to another point that makes these drivers unique, which is that when you get fired from a 4 high volume, 4 high vehicle company, you are being effectively put in the same position as when you're losing your license.
I think the gentleman from Uber testified earlier, oh, they still have their license, you know, they can still work.
Currently, you know, everybody has seen the monopolization of these companies unfold as they assume dominant market share.
The 2 for hire companies make up 80, 85% of the entire for hire and taxi service in the city.
So when you when you lose your ability to work for them, you are largely losing your ability to work with the license that you invested in with the car that you invested in.
And in that 85%, the 2 companies they do notify each other.
And sometimes drivers will be deactivated from one company solely on the referral of a deactivation from the other company.
Quick point, just also to say that, you know, nothing in this law preempts any other process, just like the same way that the fast food deactivation bill, which we were so proud to testify in support of, did not did not affect any other process that folks could work through.
So I'm I'm sorry that the folks from IDG weren't able to stay and explain their position.
I would have liked to have heard it.
I will note that the last time when they did offer testimony to city government, they they did testify to the chair of the TLC at the time Thank you.
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