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Council Member Restler commends Chair Sanchez for TPT legislation
92 sec
Council Member Lincoln Restler commends Chair Sanchez for her leadership in introducing legislation to reform the Third Party Transfer (TPT) program. He acknowledges the controversy surrounding the program and praises the chair's efforts to update and modify it in a sensible way.
- Restler emphasizes the importance of preserving TPT as a tool for HPD
- He thanks the deputy commissioners for their service to the city
- Restler highlights the courage, compassion, and intelligence behind the new model for the program
Lincoln Restler
I just want to first express my on the record, disappointment with the chair.
You know, I think only a Bronx council member would host would hold this important hearing while the met season is on the line.
Unfortunately, we're we're down to the nothing.
But I I appreciate the chair anyway.
You know?
I do actually wanna I jokes aside, commend the chair for her leadership and introducing this legislation.
I don't think it can be understated the controversy that has surrounded this program.
And the the mayor himself previously called the last iteration of TPT racist The former the, you know, directly proceeding housing and building chair did the same.
It was not an easy thing to update, modify, update and modify this program in a way that makes sense.
And I think chair Sanchez's legislation does just that.
So I wanna just commend her for her courage and compassion and intelligence in kind of creating a new model for the program that I think we can rally around to preserve this important tool in HPD's arsenal.
And you know, wanna thank deputy commissioner Zarga and Santiago for being here today and for your ongoing service to the city.
You know, we need good people now more than ever.