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Discussion on problematic elements of TPT round 10 and prior administrations
4 min
Deputy Commissioner Kim Darga discusses the most problematic elements of TPT round 10 and prior administrations, focusing on the recommendations made by the working group to improve the program.
- Eligibility and selection methodology were identified as major areas for improvement
- Outreach and technical assistance were highlighted as important aspects to enhance
- Payment plan options and streamlining were discussed as areas needing reform
- Specific concerns about HDFC Cooperatives and notification processes were addressed
Pierina Ana Sanchez
So just to start a broad question, in your view, deputy commissioner and the administration, what were the most problematic elements of the of TPT round 10 and the prior administrations of the program?
Kim Darga
So I think it's the working group really focused a lot on the feedback that various stakeholders had with regard to prior the, you know, the existing program, then existing program.
And there are a couple main categories that the working group recommended for improvement or modification.
The 2, I think, over the biggest is with regard to eligibility and selection.
And the proposed legislation that's before us today, I think, for the most part, really aligns with the working group recommendations.
Particularly with regard to eliminating the the block as the smallest geographic area for inclusion and refining and replacing the block with methodology that identifies buildings that have the highest amount of financial and physical distress as exhibited by administrative data.
So that is certainly the largest recommendation.
There were other modifications that the working group recommended.
There certainly were some recommendations around outreach and technical assistance.
Making sure that there was a notice to property owners before commencement of around to give them a chance to address any issues that might exist.
In addition, making sure that residents had notification.
There were certainly concerns in the past for HDFC Cooperative, specifically.
That the notice was going to the HDFC cooperative body and wherever the coop had indicated their notice should go.
But that individual shareholders didn't necessarily hear from the board or whoever the designee was about what was happening.
So there was certainly an interest in making sure that residents, had some notification earlier in the process.
And that also, in addition to the notice, there was additional technical support available to building owners.
And in particular, for class 1 properties, there was a strong recommendation to create a city wide homeowner help desk The administration over the last couple of years has actually worked toward doing that, adding funding to the budget, and we hope to be able to launch that initiative soon.
And in addition, creating an owner resource center for multifamily property owners that not only provides technical assistance, but also can help particularly those owners identify resources that may help them address some of the underlying issues.
So those were a couple of the big recommendations.
There were also some recommendations around payment plans.
In the current law with regard to DoF payment, there are the statute dictates what is allowed, and it is different than the types of payment options that property owners that just owe taxes have available to them.
And in addition, it changes throughout the interim proceeding.
And so there was a lot of concern that that added fusion for property owners.
And so that the recommendation was really to streamline those options as to and to be as consistent with what is available for other property owners as possible.
There were some other recommendations too, but I think that outreach and technical assistance, thinking about payment options, and the ability to provide good customer service, And, of course, the eligibility and selection methodology were the kind of big areas of focus coming out
Pierina Ana Sanchez
of those working group discussions.