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Discussion on resident notification in the TPT process
122 sec
Council Member Restler expresses confusion about HPD's opposition to the legislation, given their prior involvement in the working group. He focuses on the issue of resident notification, questioning the apparent contradiction between HPD's acknowledgment of the need for earlier notification and their opposition to the bill.
- Restler emphasizes the importance of early and comprehensive notification due to the serious nature of property seizure
- Deputy Commissioner Darga clarifies HPD's position on strategic outreach to shareholders
- The discussion touches on the difference between notifying shareholders and all residents, and whether this should apply only to cooperatives or all buildings
Lincoln Restler
But I I do find myself, I think, similar to the chair, somewhat confused by the testimony.
HPD had worked closely with the working group and certainly was in conversation with the chair prior to the introduction and then to hear you be opposed to the legislation as written is surprising.
So you know, I heard you testify today, deputy commissioner, you know, that one of the main things you heard from the working group was that resident resident notification need to happen earlier in the process.
That was one of the things that was not working well in round 10 and previous rounds of TPT.
I'm just repeating back to what you said.
So it's confusing to me that, you know, I mean, I I get that some of the notification processes may to be they may need to be updated, but isn't that one of the major things that we're trying to accomplish here is earlier notification, better notification, making sure that we're reaching everyone because the seizure of property is a big freaking deal, and we wanna make sure that people fully understand what's going on and have every opportunity to course correct and address the situation before that occurs?
Kim Darga
So again, we absolutely, as I mentioned, we do think that there is room to add some strategic outreach to shareholders.
There's one notice currently.
In the rules.
This is drafted as all residents, not necessarily shareholders.
And so I think we should talk more about the intent.
Is it really to help address some of the concerns that are unique to cooperatives or is it to make sure residents of all buildings are aware if their property potentially might be included in an in round action someday or is.
So I think it's really that we just need to work on the details of of when and how those notices are happening and talk about whether this is unique to coops or there's need for doing outreach to residents outside of coops.