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Duration of Neighborhood Restore's ownership of properties in TPT program



92 sec

Deputy Commissioner Kim Darga provides information on the duration of Neighborhood Restore's ownership of properties in the Third Party Transfer (TPT) program.

• Currently, 28 properties from Round 10 are still owned by Neighborhood Restore in the interim ownership stage • 20 of these are buildings, and 8 are lots • Most properties are expected to close on financing within the next year to year and a half • Litigation and the COVID-19 pandemic have caused delays in property transfers • Outside of the 28 properties mentioned, only 6 other buildings are still owned by Neighborhood Restore, mainly due to significant litigation

Pierina Ana Sanchez
On average, how long has neighborhood restore held title to property?
Kim Darga
So I don't have the average.
I can tell you the last round about half of the properties were in litigation, and so that really delayed the ability to stabilize.
And I would just caution us as in reforming the program that we are mindful of the design and making sure that it is not super prone to litigation risk.
So there are, I think, at this point in time, 28 buildings from round 10 that neighborhood restore or properties, I would say, that neighborhood restore still owns that are in the interim ownership stage.
A lot of those we expect to close on financing in the coming year, year and a half.
As litigation has been resolved on a number of those properties.
Pierina Ana Sanchez
How many students do you say?
Kim Darga
There are 28.
8 of those are lots.
20 are buildings.
So the lots take a little if they're going to be developed, they can take a little bit longer.
To convey.
So most of those should be conveyed within the next year, year and a half, and certainly the pandemic delayed things a little bit in 2020, 2021 as well.
Outside of those 28, there are only 6 other buildings that are still owned by neighborhood restorer, and all all I believe all of those have had significant litigation, and that's the reason why. pigeon logo

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