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HPD's inspection process for properties selected for Third Party Transfer



52 sec

Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez inquires about HPD's inspection process for properties once they are selected for the Third Party Transfer (TPT) program. Deputy Commissioner AnnMarie Santiago explains that while HPD doesn't actively manage these properties, they do respond to complaints and process violation removals upon request.

  • Properties selected for TPT are primarily managed by HPD's asset management team rather than code enforcement
  • Code enforcement continues to respond to complaints and process violation removals when owners apply for them
  • HPD does not conduct daily management or routine reinspections of these properties
Pierina Ana Sanchez
Deputy commissioner and and Ray Santiago.
Some some reinforcement questions here.
Thank you for being here.
So in previous rounds, once selected for TPT, once in the round, does HPD inspect or reinspect the properties to ensure that the physical distress conditions that qualified a property into a round continue to exist and that there are no duplicate violations?
AnnMarie Santiago
So for the buildings that are selected for the most part, They are managed or looked at by our asset management team rather than code enforcement.
Code enforcement will get involved and continues to respond to complaints that come in And when work is done, you know, the owners apply to have violations removed, but we don't do daily management of those properties in that way I think you're asking. pigeon logo

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