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HPD's stance on proposed changes in Intro 1063
39 sec
HPD supports the council's interest in updating the TPT program and believes the proposed eligibility and selection methodology will identify appropriate properties. However, they have concerns about some areas of the draft legislation.
- HPD supports new legislation that improves the 3rd party transfer program
- They cannot support the bill as currently written
- HPD is looking forward to working with the city council, sister agencies, and stakeholders to refine the proposed Housing Rescue and Resident Protection Act
Kim Darga
As HP has indicated to the council before, we believe that this program would be an important next step for buildings and 7a and AEP that failed to be responsive to the enforcement tools that those programs bring to bear on properties with serious physical challenges and little financial ability to address those challenges.
That's the end of the presentation.
While we support counsel's interest in updating the program, we believe the proposed eligibility in select and map selection methodology will identify appropriate properties, there are some areas of the current draft legislation as written that we wanna flag for further discussion.