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Proposed changes to TPT eligibility and selection criteria



128 sec

The proposed legislation, Intro 1063 of 2024, modifies various components of the TPT program, particularly eligibility and selection criteria.

  • New eligibility includes tax class 1 properties and cooperatives with 3+ years of delinquent debt, and tax class 2 rentals with 1+ year of delinquent debt
  • Selection methodology involves ranking properties based on municipal arrears and open hazardous violations
  • A score is calculated by multiplying the arrears ranking with the violations ranking
  • HPD recommends flexibility in determining the number of properties included in TPT rounds
Kim Darga
We're pleased that city council has introduced legislation to modernize the program.
The proposed legislation modifies various components of the program, including provisions related to eligibility and selection, outreach, redemption requirements, and payment plans.
Some of the proposed changes, particularly with regard to eligibility and selection, largely aligned with the recommendations of the working group, and HP supports these changes.
Other proposed changes deviate from the working group recommendations and raise some concerns.
We look forward to continuing to work with city council to refine the legislation.
As the legislation proposes significant changes to eligibility and selection, we want to explain these modifications in-depth and provide additional context on the characteristics of the properties that would potentially be included if the city were to commence around today.
On Slide 2 of the presentation, Just gonna pause.
Slide 2 summarizes proposed eligibility criteria and proposed selection methodology.
The eligibility would include tax class 1 properties and operatives with delinquent debt that exceeds 3 years of an owner's annual tax liability tax class 2 rentals with delinquent debt that exceeds 1 year of the owner's annual tax liability.
For each property that meets these basic eligibility criteria, HPD would assign a ranking based on properties with the highest to lowest municipal charges sorry, municipal arrears.
And then a separate ranking is assigned based on properties with the highest to lowest total open hazardous, class b, and immediately hazardous, class c violations issued and open within the last 3 years.
Then a score is calculated by multiplying the arrears ranking with the violations ranking.
For the purpose of understanding the impact of the potential eligibility and selection criteria and understanding the characteristics of properties, HPD included the top 500 properties in the analysis to be presented today. pigeon logo

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