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Exploring the digital wallet component for MyCity



122 sec

Council Member Jennifer Gutiérrez inquires about the plans for a digital wallet component in MyCity. Commissioner Matthew Fraser explains that they are evaluating options for financial benefit distribution, security access, and identification within a single platform. He emphasizes that they are still in the planning stages and want to ensure they provide comprehensive access without shortchanging New Yorkers.

  • The digital wallet would integrate account management, benefit distribution, and security features
  • Current focus is on leveraging agency eligibility reviews for benefit distribution
  • Timeline for more concrete plans is set for the end of the year
Jennifer Gutiérrez
Commissioner, I wanna just touch on some of the responses about the digital wallet.
Thank you.
You hadn't mentioned it.
You said it was a critical part of moving forward.
Every time I every time I asked what the plan was earlier today, you hadn't mentioned the digital wallet piece.
So can we spend some more time on how you are all thinking through, how you plan on verifying individuals, how is data being collected, what is it being used for, who would manage it?
Can you speak a little bit to that?
Matthew Fraser
So for the digital wallet component, what we're currently evaluating is how can we have a an account or a means to provide find a distribution of financial benefits.
Security access and identification.
How can we get all those things into a single platform?
And we've been evaluating partners in this space that's capable of doing these kinds of things.
And I think for us, one of the things we wanna ensure that as we push forward on this front, we provide something that provides access to all of the key areas that we need to serve without shortchanging New Yorkers.
That's why we wanted that's why we haven't pushed to release anything as yet.
We wanna make sure that it's done in the right way.
As it stands right now for eligibility review, what we what we plan to lean on is the agency's eligibility review for the app locations themselves to deem whether someone should get a benefit or not to validate both identity.
And then from there, once an agency has determined eligibility, they have a means to look up an individual and a link that distribution of benefit onto a wallet or they can choose to deem it or redeem it how they traditionally have in a different way.
And I think for us over the next quarter as we get towards the end of the year, again, before the baby's born, we're going to have more insight into particularly what that would look like in the platform that we may deliver it on?
Jennifer Gutiérrez
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