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Building scale, layout, and neighborhood fit



80 sec

Jay Valgora provides a detailed overview of the Brooklyn Yards development's scale and layout, emphasizing how the project is designed to fit into the existing neighborhood context. The development consists of multiple smaller buildings rather than a single large structure.

  • Total of 14 buildings, including a mix of walk-ups and apartment buildings
  • Building heights range from 4 to 6 stories, with one 10-story commercial building
  • Design inspired by classic Brooklyn housing types, including features like stoop gardens
Jay Valgora
I mean, these these look great and they tell the stories, so I'll just keep going.
This is a view from the opposite side where you can see again the office button to the right at New Utrecht, and you can see the smaller walk up buildings to the left as well as the apartment building to the right between the walk up buildings.
And you can see how they really fit into the scale of the streetscape.
Next slide.
Here is a view from the center of the block, and you can see the unusual configurations of the block as we zoom in on it, where you can see each of the different components and how they fit in and how we really worked.
Create something that would tie into the scale of the neighborhood.
There's a total of 14 buildings.
And so instead of creating a mega development, we really work to create a series of smaller individual buildings that would fit into the initial site and fit into the scale and character of the community.
Next slide.
Here's a detail all the way to the right hand side of the site, I guess, the easternmost portion of the site.
And you can see again the smaller buildings on the right hand portion, one of the apartment buildings within the center, you can see the landscape dark area that has that kind of those slightly warmer colored trees, kind of brown trees for the fall.
And that's actually a parking area, and then there's a small retail building along Sixteenth Avenue.
So we really worked to create something that would again fit into the individual character of the neighborhood and work with its scale. pigeon logo

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