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Council Member Powers opens the meeting and introduces committee members
38 sec
Council Member Keith Powers opens the meeting of the Committee on Rules, Privileges, and Elections. He introduces himself as the chair and acknowledges the presence of other council members and committee staff.
Keith Powers
Good afternoon.
Welcome to the meeting of the committee on rules, privileges, and elections.
I'm council member, Keith Powers, chair of the committee.
Before we begin, I'd like to acknowledge and introduce the members of this committee who are president, do we have council member Brewer, council member Birelli, council member Farris, council members, Salamanca, and we are joined by council member Sanchez on Zoom, and I think we'll be we'll join by others in the near future.
I'd like to also acknowledge that committee counsel, Jeff Campania, and the committee staff that worked on the appointments that we will hear today Chief Ethics Council, Pearl Moore, Director of investigations, Franchesca Delaveccia and Deputy Director of Investigations, Alicia Vassal.