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Incorporating community input in City Planning Commission processes



119 sec

Council Member Keith Powers inquires about methods to incorporate community input into City Planning Commission (CPC) processes. Commissioner Raj Rampershad emphasizes the importance of community engagement and suggests improvements.

  • Rampershad recommends reaching out to local civics and organizations beyond community board meetings
  • He suggests using social media and community events to increase outreach
  • The discussion highlights the ongoing challenge of balancing community feedback with planning processes
Keith Powers
Wanna ask you a couple of questions.
One of the one of the things we often hear as we as we deliberate on applications for New York and as you you guys are part of that process as well is really had to best incorporate community input and feedback into those plans.
We understand the complicated nature of working through a lot of these applications, but it it's it's something we hear frequently.
And I wanted to just hear, and you're you're now your your reappointment Can you talk about in your experience how the CPC can and maybe should like, can can does, you know, presently, but also other ways and opportunities that you might incorporate input and feedback into into into into the process, and and any recommendations you have that can improve that as as something we hear kind of frequently from folks.
Oudeshram “Raj” Rampershad
And I'm speaking from my days remembering the community board days, I feel community engagement is critical for all these projects.
And I do know that the city planning does have scheduled meetings, that they meet the community board, land use committees, and the full board, but I also feel that this should probably also reach out for all the civic local civics and other organizations.
And, you know, I to me, I would I would suggest there's only suggestion that besides use of social media and outlets, I think that they should do more community events outside of community board meetings in terms of, like I said, engage with local leaders and local civic organizations to set up meetings so they can have more outreach that way.
Keith Powers
Appreciate it.
I wanted to I'm gonna go to Katherine Brooks Pass because she has to leave shortly, and she is one of your queens Yes.
But I wanted to just have one or 2 more questions before I do that. pigeon logo

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