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Support for hotel licensing bill and discussion on subcontracting restrictions



92 sec

Council Member Julie Menin expresses support for the hotel licensing bill and discusses the importance of subcontracting restrictions with Commissioner Vilda Vera Mayuga. The discussion focuses on how subcontracting can lead to lower wages and poor working conditions for hotel workers.

  • DCWP supports restrictions on subcontracting to protect workers' rights
  • Research shows subcontracting can lead to higher likelihood of workers' rights violations
  • Subcontractors may try to hide behind regulations and not comply with requirements
Julie Menin
Thank you so much.
We really appreciate the testimony today.
I also wanna mention we've been joined by council member, Chris Banks.
So I do have a a number of questions.
First of all, I'm thrilled that you're testifying in support to the bill, and in particular, I want to repeat a line in the testimony.
Quote, along these lines, we are supportive of restrictions on subcontracting, which can be a key protection for workers as research shows that subcontracting can lead to lower wages poor working conditions or violations of workers' rights.
That is ex end quote, that is exactly the policy reason that what what we're trying to get to in the bill and with that provision.
So I'd love for you to talk a little bit more of that and and what you've seen in that area.
Vilda Vera Mayuga
Thank you, Council member.
Yes, we most definitely support the restrictions on subcontracting.
As I said in my testimony, it is our experience and not just ours, but just based on research, and we I know we make We indicate that as well, that research in the testimony of how important this is and how we've seen that when there's subcontracting, there is a higher likelihood of those workers' rights to be violated.
For the subcontractors to take advantage of that and basically try to hide behind that and not comply with the regulations that are in place across a number of agencies.
When there is subcontracting and the things that they are required to do.
So it is definitely something that we've seen in our experience and also based on research that we've quoted in the testimony. pigeon logo

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