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Testimony by Representative from Kew Gardens Civic Association on Hotel Safety Legislation



146 sec

A representative from the Kew Gardens Civic Association testifies in support of proposed hotel safety legislation, citing a fatal incident at the Umbrella Hotel in Kew Gardens as evidence of the need for such regulation. The speaker argues that the legislation would protect lives, reduce city expenditures, and provide a legal basis for closing dangerous hotels.

  • The testimony references the death of Robert Williams at the Umbrella Hotel, highlighting the lack of legal recourse to address problematic hotels.
  • The speaker estimates that constant police presence at the Umbrella Hotel cost taxpayers over $1 million and diverted resources from other areas.
  • The Kew Gardens Civic Association urges swift passage of the legislation to protect the public and hotel employees from negligent hotel operators.
And I'm a member of and speaking on behalf of the Q Garden Civic Association established 110 years ago.
Our membership includes homeowners, co op, and condo owners, and renters and Q Garden's Queens.
The KGCA urges you to enact this important proposed ledger slation.
If this bill had been enacted several years ago, it's possible that twenty one year old Robert Williams would still be alive today.
On January 1 2021, after leaving a party of the notorious umbrella hotel in cue gardens, Mister Williams was fatally shot, and his 2 companions seriously injured during a dispute with gang members.
Despite intense protests by the cue gardens community and the efforts of our affected Excuse me, elected officials and city administrators, there was no legal basis to close a hotel that had become a dangerous public nuisance and a haven for illicit activities.
In the absence of any legal deterrent, the only response the city could offer was a variety of fines for building fire and environmental violations, which the owner just accepted us the cost of doing business.
Having this law will not only serve to protect and save lives, but will also reduce city expenditures.
Notably, despite repeated suggestions by the 100 2nd precinct, the umbrella hotel employed no security whatsoever, notwithstanding a steep escalation in criminal activity.
After numerous complaints by local residents regarding incidents at the hotel.
The 100 2nd precinct stationed a police fan in front of the hotel, manned by 2 officers on a 247 basis for over 18 months.
We estimate that this constant police presence over the extended period cost taxpayers over $1,000,000 and diverted much needed police coverage from other parts of the precinct.
Hotels operated by owners who exploit and fail to abide by existing laws allow criminal activity on their premises, especially for profit and criminally disregard the safety and welfare of hotel inhabitants and employees, as well as residents of surrounding areas, must be stripped of the privilege of operating.
Remedial action taken taken against offenders must be swift and decisive to protect the public as well as the employees of these establishments.
We urge you to pass this legislation.
Thank you very much. pigeon logo

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