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Testimony by Laura Horvath-Roa, Staff Attorney at New York City Anti Violence Project (AVP)
106 sec
Laura Horvath-Roa from the New York City Anti Violence Project (AVP) presents recommendations for increasing shelter access for LGBTQ survivors of intimate partner violence. She introduces a toolkit developed by AVP and the New York State LGBTQ intimate partner violence network to guide shelters in becoming more inclusive and accessible to LGBTQ survivors.
- The toolkit includes guidance on agency assessment, intake processes, and creating inclusive environments.
- Key recommendations include providing gender-neutral spaces, especially bathrooms, and developing expanded safeguards and training for shelter staff.
- AVP offers LGBTQ cultural competency trainings and self-guided assessment tools for shelters to evaluate their accessibility.
Laura Horvath-Roa
Good afternoon.
My name is Laura Horvath Ross, and I used she, her pronouns.
And I'm a staff attorney with the New York City Anti Violence Project.
Thank you to the committee of on general welfare and the committee on women and gender equality for holding this oversight hearing.
AVP is the coordinator of the New York State LGBTQ intimate partner violence network and along with colleagues from all over the state.
We have produced a toolkit called increasing shelter access to LGBTQ survivors of intimate partner violence.
Today, I'll share some of the key recommendations from the publication, and you'll also find copies of the short guide with copies of my written testimony.
The shelter access tool we have developed guides shelter staff through the basics of agency assessment, which includes key questions for evaluating the intake process, communicating inclusiveness to all clients, and screening that includes primary aggressor assessments.
Inclusiveness is communicated at the level of staff language and signage throughout the space.
However, it also includes access to gender neutral spaces, especially bathrooms, which may also require education and accountability for all people using the space, not LGBTQ survivors.
We ask today that the needs of LGBTQ survivors be interwoven in all shelters and expanded safeguards and training developed to ensure the safety and dignity of the LGBTQ population.
AVP has developed a framework for putting shelter access into practice.
We also offer detailed self guided assessment tools that shelters can use to get a picture of how accessible they are for LGBTQ people.
We also offer LGBTQ Q cultural competency trainings to staff and volunteers at shelters and other service providers.
Thank you so much for your time.