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Transition process for clients timing out of DV shelters to DHS system



83 sec

Council Member Diana Ayala inquires about the process for clients who time out of domestic violence (DV) shelters transitioning to the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) shelter system. Deputy Commissioner Rima Rivera explains that as clients approach their maximum length of stay, providers discuss options including placement in tier 2 facilities or safe placement at DHS if no other alternatives exist.

  • Clients nearing the end of their stay in DV shelters are assisted with placement options
  • The administration is working on resuming a streamlined process for safe transitions from DV shelters to DHS
  • The goal is to allow clients to bypass the intake process and go directly to DHS tier 2 facilities
Diana Ayala
Thank you, council member.
I have a couple questions.
Let me just move this up.
It's sound in this room is a little bit funky.
So I apologize for that.
Can you tell us, do clients who time out of the d b out of d b shelter get to go directly from d b shelter to the DHS system, shelter system, or do they have to return to path?
Rima Rivera
So clients that time out Yeah.
Reach the maximum length of stay.
We work as as as they approach, the maximum length of stay providers usually have a discussion with the client.
And there is opportunity to either assistant placement in their tier 2, family tier 2 facility, or a safe placement at DHS if there's no other alternative for the client.
So wait.
So and I as I think we mentioned before, we are resuming our streamlining activities so that we can safely place clients have them transition from our DB shelter system to DHS.
So in a way where they can bypass the intake process and go directly to DHS tier 2 facility. pigeon logo

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