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Conclusion and future outlook for supporting unaccompanied immigrant youth



66 sec

Tom Tortorici concludes his testimony by highlighting the extensive efforts made by city leaders, staff, nonprofit professionals, advocates, and volunteers to support unaccompanied immigrant youth. He emphasizes the personal nature of this work for many involved and the positive impact it has on the city's future.

  • Thousands of individuals across various organizations have contributed to supporting unaccompanied immigrant youth
  • The work is often personal for those involved, especially if they have overcome similar challenges or were immigrant youth themselves
  • Current investments in supporting immigrant youth are expected to lead to a stronger New York City in the future
  • While much has been accomplished, challenges remain, and there is still more work to be done
Tom Tortorici
In conclusion, thousands of hardworking city leaders and staff, nonprofit professionals, advocates, and volunteers across a vast interdisciplinary network of agencies and community based organizations have made extraordinary efforts to support the safety, well-being, and thriving of unaccompanied and brand youth arriving to and residing in our city.
This work is personal for many contributing to these human service efforts.
Especially if they had to overcome challenges in their own youth or arrived to New York City as immigrant youth themselves.
Each young person that has been supported by these efforts whose challenges may have been eased and whose quality of life may have been supported motivates us to continue and develop this work further.
Today's investments and support for unaccompanied and immigrant youth will lead to a stronger in New York, made possible by the contributions that these youth have and will continue to make here in our city and country.
We have great respect for their bravery in the face of adversity and gratitude for their positive contributions.
While much has been done already, many challenges remain, and there's still more work to be done.
Thank you for your attention to this important topic.
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