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Discussion on the 2019 legal settlement and its impact



121 sec

Council Member Stevens inquires about the significance of the 2019 legal settlement and how it could have helped in the current situation with unaccompanied minors.

  • Jamie Powlovich explains that the settlement established the right to shelter for 16 and 17-year-olds in the DYCD system
  • The settlement expired in December of the previous year
  • Powlovich commends DYCD for voluntarily continuing the process
  • The discussion highlights limitations of the settlement, such as prioritizing placement of youth without expanding bed capacity
  • Council Member Stevens expresses concern about the cycle of displacing older youth to make room for younger ones
  • The need for more beds in the system is emphasized
Althea Stevens
Jamie, I just had a really quick question, and I guess, please be succinct.
Just even around, like, this 2019 agreement where we were you were the front lines for that.
And that was something that I know that you fought really hard for was advocate.
But could you talk about the significant of that win and how if we would have actually actualized that?
It could have helped us in the situation that we're in now.
Jamie Powlovich
So there were a few good things to happen in 2019.
You're talking about the legal aid settlement.
So, yeah, I mean, I think with CV CW versus New York City in the settlement that established for all intents and purposes the right to shelter for minors, sixteen and seventeen year olds in the DUI CD system.
The terms of the settlement and only lasted for 3 years, and so it expired a it'll be a year this December.
And I think that it would help if it was still in place, but I do wanna commend the YCD for voluntarily rights still doing the process.
I think that the issue with the way that it works in the aycd system is unlike the Calahan law that requires that the DHS system expand to meet the need.
The settlement and now even the voluntary process just says that they need to prioritize the placement of youth, which then leads, like I said, in my testimony to older youth having to be kicked out to make room.
So instead of bringing on new beds, which I I know you know well, right, always advocating for more beds, they are right asking older youth to leave so that the younger youth can come in.
Althea Stevens
And that's been one of my bigger issues where I've consistently said that we need more beds and then it's cycle of, well, we don't need more beds.
But if you're kicking people out, then that's the only way we can make room.
We know that there's not a button up bed, 60 beds, just especially during this time we know the sun enough.
But I'll I'll yield we can get some of our council members.
Alexa Avilés
Council member, Hennif? pigeon logo

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