Services provided to runaway and homeless youth
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DYCD provides a range of supported services to runaway and homeless youth, both directly and through referrals.
- Counselors work with youth to develop individualized service plans
- Services include health and mental health support, counseling, education and career support
- Additional services cover substance abuse prevention, violence intervention, and housing assistance
- Staff assist with family reunification or transition to longer-term programs when appropriate
Susan Haskell
Counselors and RHI programs work with youth to develop individualized service plans to outline short and long term goals.
They can get a range of supported services both directly and through referrals.
For example, health and mental health services, counseling, education, and career support, substance abuse prevention, violence intervention, and prevention counseling, and housing assistance.
When appropriate staff members help young people in reuniting with the family or moving to longer term programs.