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Council Member Farah Louis introduces Intro 925 (Ben Z's Law) for steam radiator inspections



167 sec

Council Member Farah Louis introduces Intro 925, also known as Ben Z's Law, which mandates annual inspections of steam radiators in multiple dwellings. The bill is proposed in response to recent tragic incidents involving faulty radiators, including the death of 11-month-old Benjamin Zachariah.

  • The bill requires owners to conduct annual inspections and address potential defects within 7 days.
  • Louis emphasizes the need to protect vulnerable residents and prevent future tragedies.
  • The council member thanks various individuals for their support and advocacy for the bill.
Farah Louis
Thank you, Chair of Sanchez, for your support and for holding this hearing today to work towards safeguarding our homes against preventable dangers within them.
I also wanna thank Alex and Betsy Karvosky from Midwood in my district for joining us today to testify.
I know how difficult reliving this tragedy is for you both, and I appreciate your dedication to advocating for change in our city laws on behalf of your son.
On the morning of January 19th this year, these two parents experienced the unimaginable loss of their 11th month old son, Benjamin Zechariah.
Who was found unconscious after being burned alive in a room filled with steam from a faulty radiator in their apartment.
Despite all efforts to save him, Benjamin was tragically pronounced dead due to the due to the steam inhalation, and thermal burns.
As we know, this incident is not isolated at going a similar heartbreaking event from 7 years ago in the Bronx where 2 toddlers lost their lives due to scaffolding heat from a defective radiator.
These repeated tragedies are not just isolated incidents.
They reflect a broader issue within our city's aging housing stock that demands immediate attention.
We must act now to ensure that no more in percent lives or loss due to such preventable circumstances.
My bill intro 925 mandates the owners of multiple dwellings to conduct annual inspections of all steam radiators in their units in common areas and require potential defects and damages to be assessed within 7 days by a professional.
These measures are imperative to provide for the safety of tenants, residents, families and impose penalties and neglect on neglectful now landlords who fail to address any identified issues.
All families deserve to live in a safe and secure environment and it is our responsibility as legislators to enforce standards that protect the most vulnerable among us.
The bill the passage of this bill would be a crucial step towards ensuring that no family in our city has to endure the pain and loss that the Kowalski family and others have suffered.
I urge my colleagues to support intro 925, which is now called Benzy's law.
Thank you, speaker Adams, for that.
To honor the memory of Benjamin Zacharia and ensure we protect all families from such affordable and heartbreaking tragedies.
I also wanna thank chair Sanchez for her leadership and support to ensure that this bill moved forward, and I wanna thank the team for their support as well for working through this bill with us.
Thanks. pigeon logo

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