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Current system for addressing radiator issues in NYC
56 sec
Council Member Sanchez questions the complaint-driven nature of radiator inspections. Deputy Commissioner Santiago explains the conditions under which HPD would proactively look at radiators.
- Radiator inspections are primarily complaint-driven
- HPD looks at radiators during lead-based paint inspections in apartments with children under 6
- Radiators are also checked during heat inspections if inadequate heat is reported
- There is no regular proactive inspection specifically for radiators
Pierina Ana Sanchez
And so today, concerns around radiators are entirely complaint driven.
There's no proactive action.
There's no line of sight requirement which means leaders.
AnnMarie Santiago
I would say that there are 2 conditions under which we would look at radiators as part of our regular inspection, council members.
So again, in connection with lead based paint, which are conducted in apartments with children under 6, we are looking at all painted surfaces.
And in my experience, most radiators have been painted, and so they get a review by the inspector who's doing that inspection.
And that includes all rooms in the apartment.
A second condition under which we would look at a radiators on a heat inspection, if no heat was being provided, we would generally or inadequate heat.
We would generally at least review in the coldest room, which is where we take our temperatures, the condition of the radiator.