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Details of proposed legislation Intro 925



56 sec

Santiago outlines the key requirements and provisions of the proposed legislation, Intro 925, which aims to mandate regular inspections of steam radiators in certain dwellings.

  • Property owners would be required to identify apartments where children under 6 reside.
  • Annual inspections of steam radiators by licensed master plumbers would be mandatory in these apartments.
  • Owners must file annual reports with HPD regarding the results of these inspections.
  • Civil penalties would be established for owners who fail to file or conduct required inspections.
  • Immediate repairs would be required if problems are found, with notification to HPD.
  • These requirements would likely affect more than 100,000 buildings citywide.
AnnMarie Santiago
Under the proposed bill, property owners of buildings with steam radiator systems would be required to identify whether a child under 6 resides in the apartment, have an annual inspection of steam radiators performed by a licensed master plumber in dwelling units where a child under 6 resides and file a report with the department annually regarding the results of these inspections.
A civil penalty will be established for owners who fail to file.
Obtaining civil penalties requires HPD to go to housing court to obtain the penalty.
Should a licensed master plumber find a problem either as a result of the inspection or in response to any complaint need to the owner or to HPT throughout the year, immediate repairs would be required, and the department would have to be notified.
Ability to have inspections conducted or to remediate damage, defects, or hazardous conditions would also be subject to a civil penalty obtainable through housing court action.
These requirements would likely affect more than 100,000 building citywide. pigeon logo

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