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HPD's position on Intro 925
29 sec
Santiago clearly states HPD's stance on Intro 925 and provides reasoning for their position.
- HPD does not support Intro 925.
- The agency acknowledges that defective steam radiators can be a serious hazard.
- HPD believes it already has the tools in place to respond to radiator conditions effectively.
- The agency can issue Class C violations for immediately hazardous radiator conditions, requiring a 24-hour response from landlords.
- HPD encourages tenants and property owners to identify and correct radiator defects immediately.
AnnMarie Santiago
And that HPD already has the tools in place to respond to radiator conditions, we do not support intro 925.
Recognizing that defective steam radiators can be serious hazard.
However, we do encourage all tenants and property owners to identify defects when they arise and correct the conditions immediately.
HPD stands ready to respond to the most serious complaints and has the ability to issue Class C violations, which require a 24 hour response from landlords for immediately hazardous radiator conditions.