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Testimony by Ari Espinal, Representative for Gary Labarbera, Building And Construction Trade Council of the Greater New York And Vicinity



114 sec

Ari Espinal, representing Gary Labarbera of the Building And Construction Trade Council, testifies in support of the 970 Franklin Avenue Project. The project proposes a 14-story mixed-income residential development in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, with units dedicated to workforce and affordable housing.

  • The project is expected to create 1000 union construction jobs and will be financed, built, and operated with union labor.
  • Espinal emphasizes the project's importance in addressing the city's housing shortage and providing affordable housing for essential workers.
  • The Building Construction Trades Council represents approximately 100,000 union construction workers and advocates for safe work conditions and improved living standards for all workers.
Ari Espinal
Good afternoon, Chairman and Committee members and Council member Hudson.
My name is Ari Espinal, member of Local 79, and I am here in behalf of Gary Lababa, President of the Building And Construction Trade Council of the Greater New York And Vicinity.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to submit the testimony in support of 970 Franklin Avenue Project.
The Building Construction Trades Council is an organization of local building and construction trade unions that are affiliated with 15 international unions in the North American Building Trade Union.
Our local union affiliates represents approximately a 100,000 union construction workers.
The building tree's mission is to rise the standards of living all workers to advocate for safe work conditions and to collectively advance working conditions for affiliates members as well as all workers in New York City.
The 970 Franklin Avenue Project is proposing to rezone 962 to 972 Franklin Avenue in Crown Heights, the neighborhood of Brooklyn, to create fourteen story mixed income residential development in the neighborhood that would include approximately units dedicated to workforce and affordable housing.
This type of project must move forward to given our city housing shortage as it is will create housing affordable for our city teachers, firefighters, nurses, bus drivers, and grocery clerks.
Additionally, this project is anticipated to create a 1000 union construction jobs and will finance built and operated with union labor, providing well paying jobs with family sustaining wages and benefits to the residents of New York City.
970 Franklin Avenue is an example of type of housing projects that our city must support.
It will create housing units that affordable for working class citizens, will also create jobs with fair wages and benefit that will allow workers to be able to afford to live in the city.
We thank you for this opportunity to submit this testimony in support of 970 Franklin Avenue.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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