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Additional non-zoning policy changes to address housing affordability
4 min
Chair Garodnick and Commissioner Carrión discuss additional non-zoning policy changes and investments that can help address housing affordability in New York City. They emphasize that while zoning is critical, it's not the entire solution to the housing crisis.
- Carrión outlines HPD's three-pronged strategy for supporting homeowners and expanding homeownership opportunities
- He mentions specific programs like increased down payment assistance and the Home Fix program
- Both officials stress the importance of a comprehensive approach to addressing housing affordability
Kevin C. Riley
This proposal by itself is clearly not a full solution to our housing affordability crisis.
In your view, chair, we're the most effective additional non zoning policy changes or investments we can make to quickly deliver real help of housing affordability for our fellow New Yorkers.
Daniel Garodnick
Thank you.
I think that's a really important point, right?
And I hope that it was clear in my presentation that while zoning is critical here to open the door, it is not the entire puzzle to solving our housing crisis, but it is a it is a critical piece.
I I'm I'm gonna give commissioner carry on an opportunity to talk about some of the other component parts that we think about as an administration, as to weigh as ways to add affordability, add opportunities here that are outside of zoning, but it is, I think, a very important point that zoning is key, but it is not everything.
Adolfo Carrión Jr.
Thank you, and thank you, chairman Riley, speaker, chair, and all the members.
This is a special and unique opportunity for us as a city as sitting members of the city council and as an administration.
I think it was stated by a number of speakers before that zoning is not a panacea.
It doesn't solve everything, but what it does is it moves the needle forward in creating the environment that we need to ensure that we're able to deliver on the promise of opportunity of economic justice.
And, you know, it's important to note that And I I think the the chair, chairman Gerodnik spoke about it in his presentation.
This this is a march.
We have been addressing the issue of discrimination, housing, and other types of segregation, and lack of access to fair housing and opportunity for a long time.
And we've made small steps along the way, small and important steps.
But this goes back to the chapter in our history where in the in the fight and the march for civil rights.
This zoning amendment lives within that conversation and the work that we do lives within that conversation.
The work that we did to advance a fair housing plant lives in that space.
So what this does when we change the zoning envelope and allow for the development of housing in many more places that historically have resisted development naturally that's gonna produce more affordable housing And as the chair mentioned, will create depth of affordability with the universal affordability preference.
We'll create that option 3, which gives deeper affordability and mandated inclusionary housing mapped areas of the city.
That adds to the toolkit that we already have, that we work with you on a constant basis, and with our partners at the state legislature and at the federal government where we apply tools, whether it's the low income housing tax credit projects that we are able to finance, whether it's the as of right projects that we're able to advance, like the tax incentive driven new construction, projects.
And in fact, you know, we we have, and I think history can testify to this.
We have the most productive public private partnership for the production of affordable housing anywhere in the country.
With securing the extension of the 421A16, the the old 421A We added 71,000 potential units.
21,000 of them are for guaranteed to be affordable.
With 485 x, with the commercial conversion, we're basically raising the ceiling and allowing to fill that space with guaranteed 100 percent affordable housing.
So we will continue to do what we do, which has come to you on a regular basis to get the tools that we need to continue to to build affordable housing in New York City.