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Testimony by Annemarie Gray, Executive Director of Open New York
122 sec
Annemarie Gray, Executive Director of Open New York, testified in strong support of the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity proposal. She argued that New York's housing affordability crisis is rooted in insufficient housing construction, and that the proposal would allow more homes of every type in every neighborhood, addressing longstanding patterns of segregation and meeting the diverse needs of New Yorkers.
- Gray emphasized the importance of allowing new homes in low-density districts to achieve fair housing goals.
- She called for additional measures to protect tenants and support those struggling with housing insecurity.
- Gray cited a recent poll showing 81% support for the proposal among New York City voters, urging the City Council to seize the opportunity for leadership on this critical issue.
Annemarie Gray
Thank you, Chair Riley, members of the sub committee.
I'm Emily Gray, executive director of Open New York, an independent statewide grassroots pro housing organization with hundreds of volunteer members, many of whom are here with me today to testify in strong support of City of Yes for housing opportunity.
New York's housing affordability crisis is rooted in the fact that we simply do not build enough homes.
Displacement, exclusion, tenant harassment, and homelessness are all exacerbated by our dire housing shortage.
It's now consensus from the top of the Democratic Party that cities like New York must perform our outdated zoning policies to help manage soaring housing costs.
City of Yes is a sensible, thoughtful plan to do just this.
For far too long, many of the most well resourced parts of the city have been de facto off limits to new homes.
Driving up rents and reinforcing longstanding patterns of segregation.
CityVS will allow more homes of every type in every neighborhood to meet the needs of New Yorkers in a more equitable way.
This means more income restricted workforce housing, more backyard cottages to support homeowners, more of the cheapest forms of housing to get New Yorkers out of our shelter system and onto their feet.
It includes smart policies to allow new homes in low density districts, which is imperative for fair housing goals and must remain intact through the final negotiations.
Of course zoning changes are necessary, but not sufficient.
To protect tenants and those struggling most with housing and security, we must pair zoning reforms with actions that bolster fair housing, invest in our neighborhoods most impacted, sustain affordable housing capital funding, and support low income home homeowners navigate new regulations.
We strongly support the speaker and counsel in your efforts to secure additional commitments to push forward an even more comprehensive set of solutions.
While this proposal has seem controversial throughout the extensive public process, I urge you to remember that the loudest most oppositional voices are not representative of the majority.
A poll of New York City voters released yesterday shows a staggering 81% support for the proposal.
75% said they are more likely to support elected officials who vote in favor.
The city council has an important opportunity for leadership on the biggest issue facing everyday New Yorkers right now.
I look forward to working together to seize the moment and start to turn the tide on our housing crisis.
Thank you.