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Testimony by David Pecoraro, Member of Queens Community Board 13 and Secretary of the Roselle Civic Association, on City of Yes for Housing Opportunity



123 sec

David Pecoraro, a member of Community Board 13 Queens and secretary of the Roselle Civic Association, strongly opposes the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity proposal. He argues that the plan is not suitable for his neighborhood and urges council members to listen to civic associations, homeowners, and community board members rather than real estate industry representatives.

  • Suggests implementing the plan only in areas where it has been approved by community boards
  • Criticizes the proposal as a threat to middle-class communities
  • Recommends observing the plan's implementation in targeted areas before considering wider adoption
David Pecoraro
Good evening.
My name is Dave Tequaro.
I'm a member of Community Board 13 Queens and a sec the secretary of the Roselle Civic Association.
I speak as a 58 year resident of Honsdale Queen.
First, I'd like to paraphrase governor Tim Walls of Minnesota who said to and I'm speaking to those who wish to oppose the city of yes upon our community board in our neighborhood.
And what he said was, mind your own darn business.
If it's right for your neighborhood, I it's not right for our neighborhood.
And I want I think 1st, Skype Council members and the staff present today for their time.
I hope that you have listened to your civic association, the homeowners who have voted for you, and pay your salaries with their hard earned tax dollars as our council member, Selena Brooks Powers, has done their own.
I hope you also listen to the unpaid members of the community boards like me, who join with our unanimous vote 13 equities to reject this ill advised proposal as opposed to the paid representatives of the real estate industry and their allies who will benefit from the destruction of the middle class in our city.
The fairest way to deal with the city of yes would be to listen to the community volunteers appointed by the borough presidents, the community boards of this city.
Simply target the plan to those born areas and those communities who have approved this plan.
Those born borns who have thus far honed down this plan that we see as an existential threat to our lives that we pay for with high taxes and mortgages to then observe the implementation of the plan in the target areas.
It if as the pay if the real estate represents this claim, the plan works well.
Then we as a board should be trusted to do what is right for our neighbors in Eastern Queens.
If it is the disaster that we foresee,
thank you at times expired
Cliff Bruckenstein
and up primarily. pigeon logo

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