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Testimony by Stephen Crim, Member of the Public, on City of Yes for Housing Opportunity



93 sec

Stephen Crim, a resident of Manhattan, expresses support for the City of Yes zoning amendments, emphasizing the need to address the housing affordability crisis in New York City. He argues that while the initiative alone won't solve the problem, it's a significant step forward that should be combined with other complementary solutions.

  • Crim specifically highlights the importance of relegalizing SROs (Single Room Occupancy) and small, shared housing as crucial for preventing homelessness.
  • He frames allowing more housing to be built as a moral issue, citing his faith's teachings about loving neighbors and sharing blessings.
  • Crim urges Council Member Rivera and all council members to vote in favor of the zoning amendments, viewing it as an essential set of reforms to share the city with more neighbors.
Stephen Crim
Good afternoon or good evening.
My name is Stephen Krem, and I live in a nice r 8 A zoning district on East 15th Street in Manhattan where council member Rivera represents me.
I am here because while I am blessed to be able to afford my rent and rent in various neighborhoods around the city, too many of my fellow New Yorkers cannot afford their housing.
Meanwhile, an untold number of others living around our nation would love to live here and contribute to this wonderful ever changing place, but cannot because of housing costs.
I asked the council member Rivera and all the members of the council vote in favor of the zoning amendments being discussed.
City of yes, on its own, will not solve our housing crisis, but it is a major step forward that we should take while also working on complementary solutions discussed today that we can address in the future.
Many zoning regulations passed over decades have contributed to our housing crisis, and the city of yes initiative appropriately responds with a multifaceted approach for all parts of the city.
I'll focus on 1.
The relegalization of SROs or small and shared housing.
This is housing that could be crucial to keep people who are in danger of falling into homelessness, housing that could help my neighbors who are unhoused in the middle of luxury.
Allowing more housing to be built is a moral issue for me.
My the faith in which I grew up taught me to love my neighbors and to share my blessings with others.
The right thing to do is to share the city that I love with even more neighbors, which the city of yes will allow.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak, and please support this essential set of zoning reforms. pigeon logo

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