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Council Member Rita C. Joseph introduces three proposed bills for education committee vote



70 sec

Council Member Rita C. Joseph opens the education committee meeting by introducing three proposed bills related to career and technical education programs, interpretation and translation services, and student clubs and organizations. She highlights the importance of these bills in promoting transparency, equity, and family participation in education.

  • The bills were previously heard in a June 18th hearing on legislation.
  • Joseph emphasizes the bills' focus on reporting and providing resources to families.
  • She expresses her support by mentioning that she has signed on as a co-sponsor for all three bills.
Rita C. Joseph
Good morning, and welcome to today's education I mean, today's committee on education vote proposed intro number 7338 sponsored by council member Althea Stevens, a local law in relations to require the New York City Department of Education to report information on career and technical education programs in New York City Public Schools.
Proposed intro number 771 771 a sponsored by council member Linda Lee, a lawyer The local law in relation to requiring distribution of information regarding interpretation and translating services and put an intro number 797 a sponsored by counsel, my mouth, Steven, the local law in relation to reporting on students' clubs and organizations.
The committee previously heard testimony in these 3 bills as part of June 18th hearing on legislation.
The requiring reports proposed initial 773a and 797A promotes transparency and equity within within the DOE schools.
Additionally, proposed intro, 7718 helps to ensure that families are provided with resource and support.
They need to meaningly meaningfully participate in their child's education.
I'm proud to have sign on as co sponsor these 3 important pieces of legislation. pigeon logo

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